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Rumeur : Han Solo et Boba Fett auraient bien chacun leur spin-off
Un vieux bruit de couloir ressurgit...
Le site Entertainment Weekly l'avait déjà affirmé en février : LucasFilm projetterait de consacrer les deux premiers spin-off Star Wars respectivement à Han Solo et à Boba Fett.

Aujourd'hui,, un autre site important consacré à l'actualité du cinéma, prétend que ses propres sources lui auraient confirmé ces projets. Le film consacré à Han Solo mettrait en avant sa relation avec Chewbacca, en montrant comment ils se sont rencontré et sont devenus deux partenaires embarquant sur le Faucon Millenium. En revanche, aucun élément du film consacré à Boba Fett n'aurait fuité.

                              Spin off

Le site affirme également qu'un spin-off consacré à Yoda était prévu, mais qu'il aurait été annulé au profit de la mini-série animée Lego Star Wars : The Yoda Chronicles.

Enfin, concernant cette fois la prochaine série animée Star Wars : Rebels, les sources du site auraient révélé que les personnages principaux seraient entièrement inédits. Les héros de la trilogie originale n'y apparaîtraient donc que de temps en temps. La série se focaliserait sur la formation de l'Alliance Rebelle et les débuts du combat contre l'Empire.

Source JawaBien entendu, en l'absence de tout semblant de confirmation officielle, ces allégations restent pour l'instant de simples rumeurs.  
Les deux premiers spin-off Star Wars sont prévus officiellement pour 2016 et 2018.

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The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
The Solo film will focus on Han and Chewy’s relationship, potentially on how they met and became partners on the Millennium Falcon. No details on the Boba Fett film, but my hope is to see his escape from the Sarlac Pit and subsequent journey afterwards. Apparently, the planned Yoda solo film was pulled as there is a plan to do a Lego animated show of some sort with the character. - See more at:
Parution : 20/06/2013
Source :
Validé par : PiccoloJr
Section : Films > Postlogie