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[Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 2:10   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

HanSolo a écrit:
V7-R1 a écrit:Fascinant!
Comme la plupart d'entre nous n'aurons simplement pas les moyens d'y mettre les pieds, c'est un document précieux!
J'y jeterais un oeil.

On sait si une VF est prévue ou s'il faut passer par de l'import ?

Il n'y a pas de traduction française prévue cette année pour The Art of Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge. En espérant que Huginn et Muninn ne soit pas trop frileux avec un tel sujet et lui trouve une place dans son programme éditorial 2022.

En attendant une hypothétique sortie française, je vais déjà me prendre la version originale chez Abrams Books, histoire de sécuriser un exemplaire.

shane1609 a écrit:J'ai de gros doute sur la traduction dans l'immédiat sachant que dans la même collection, on n'a pas eu droit à l'Art of TCW, Rebels ou Jedi Fallen Order qui pourtant sont sorti Europe :neutre:

Ces titres ne font pas partie de la collection, ni même du catalogue de Abrams Books.

The Art of Star Wars : The Clone Wars aurait effectivement pu être édité car Huginn et Muninn collabore déjà avec Chronicle Books pour les traductions de livres Disney et Pixar et avait d'ailleurs déjà sorti Dans les coulisses de Star Wars : The Old Republic du même éditeur.

Par contre, The Art of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order et Star Wars Rebels: The Art of the Animated Serie sont des publications Dark Horse Comics qui collabore en France avec d'autres éditeurs (Guy Delcourt, Delirium, Wetta, Vestron et Panini Comics selon les franchises).

De toute façon, outre l'acquisition des droits, sortir des livres centrés sur des séries animées ou des jeux vidéo, même estampillés Star Wars, est sans doute plus difficile et plus risqué que ceux centrés sur les productions cinématographiques (ou alors il faut un mignon petit Grogu dont tout le monde parle à mettre sur la couverture :D ).

-- Edit (Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 3:20) :

Interview d'Amy Ratcliffe, l'auteur de The Art of Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge :

Take an In-Depth Look at the Creative Process for Designing Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in New Book

When Imagineers set out to create a new land, attraction or experience, we sometimes come up with hundreds of options for every element of the project. And no matter how great all of those options or elements might be, we always have to make the difficult choices in determining which versions of which concepts will make it to the final product. While we rarely have the opportunity to go in depth on our creative process and be able to share all these many options with our fans and our guests, there were so many fantastic pieces of concept artwork developed by the creative team for both Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and for the forthcoming Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, we wanted to share these with you in a new book, The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, written by Amy Ratcliffe.

Amy is a huge Star Wars fan and is very knowledgeable about our Star Wars projects. She has interviewed many of us from both Imagineering and Lucasfilm about this creative journey we undertook together. I sat down with Amy to talk about her involvement with this book and we have included a few of these conceptual images from the book throughout this interview.


You’ve written extensively about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in the past. What are some things that you learned while writing The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge that you didn’t previously know ?

I was invested in all things Galaxy’s Edge from the moment it was announced. Star Wars and Disney Parks are two huge passions of mine, so I couldn’t believe they were intersecting in this way. And while I obviously knew Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Imagineering worked closely together to create this immersive land, I didn’t know Imagineering went to Pinewood Studios in London to work with the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story production design team. The group that designed sets for the film applied their skills to helping to imagine Batuu and Black Spire Outpost.

And I had an assumption that Imagineering generated a lot of art and ideas when dreaming up new experiences, but I didn’t know just how much. It’s kind of staggering.


There have been other “art of Star Wars” books before but never for a real or physical place.  Did you discover anything interesting about the design process for a place that either actually exists or will exist ?

The Star Wars films and animated series are beautifully designed. When artists and production designers imagine possibilities for on-screen stories, they can take into account that sets can show certain angles of a building, for example, but not the entire thing. And also the sets will only last for as long as filming needs require—maybe days or weeks. But with Galaxy’s Edge, everyone had to consider permanence and how guests would see structures, interiors, and everything from multiple vantage points. So it was fascinating to talk with you, Doug Chiang, Chris Beatty, and so many others about using different techniques and tricks to guide the guests’ view a little.


Do you have a favorite piece or pieces of concept art and what do you like about it (them) ?

My answer is one hundred percent biased: it’s one of Iain McCaig’s illustrations of Elee. First of all, it’s Iain McCaig, the artist responsible for Darth Maul’s look and innumerable other designs in Star Wars. Secondly, I adore Elee. She’s a sweet creature, a therii, who belongs to Salju and I got to share her story in Elee & Me. I felt like I bonded with her. Imagineering created models and thought about how to maybe bring her to life, and I just loved seeing that exploration.

Could you please tell us some basics about the book – how many pieces of concept art?  How did you go about researching for this book? Who are some of the key people with whom you spoke ?

As a fan of the art books for the Star Wars films, I knew The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge would be packed full of fascinating concepts. And it is. We included over 700 pieces of concept art. It was enough to make me use a second computer monitor at home for the first time because my 13 inch laptop screen just wasn’t the best way to appreciate the images.

Researching this book was a process—a joyful one. I went through previous interviews myself and others conducted about Galaxy’s Edge and revisited every bit of material I’d read about Batuu, including the fiction stories. My many, many trips to Galaxy’s Edge as a fan (and all the Ronto wraps I ate) hugely informed me. But the key was conducting interviews with the talented folks at Imagineering and Lucasfilm.

I spoke with everyone from Carrie Beck (Lucasfilm), to Doug Chiang and Erik Tiemens (Lucasfilm), to Margaret Kerrison (Imagineering), to Imagineering designers who worked on graphics and fonts for the land. Basically I talked with everyone I could to get both an idea of the big picture of Galaxy’s Edge and all the details that make it such a special place.


Has the information you’ve discovered while writing this book changed your perspective of the lands at Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort ?

I’ve spent a lot of my time in Galaxy’s Edge soaking everything in. I like to hang out in the market and absorb the sounds and the way the light shines through the coverings. I’m the person who gets really excited about lovingly weathered stones and a carefully placed rust stain. So now after learning so much in writing this book, I just have a whole other level of reverence for the care and thought behind Galaxy’s Edge. On my next visit I’ll be thinking about stories you shared about the early days or about the paintings Erik Tiemens told me inspired him—I’ll get to see everything with a new perspective.


This book includes a bit of a sneak peek at our next, and in many ways, the most immersive experience we’ve ever developed. What were you most excited to learn about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser ?

Ha, everything! I had the best time talking to Ann Morrow Johnson about Galactic Starcruiser. Her enthusiasm for the project came through in every conversation we had. But if I have to pick a single thing it’s that I was happy to see how much of the ship, the Halcyon starcruiser, guests will be able to explore throughout their journey. It’s interactive in ways I didn’t expect.


Thank you, Amy! I hope our fans and our guests will enjoy this glimpse into the creative process as much as we enjoyed bringing it all to life.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar HanSolo » Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 4:23   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Merci de ta réponse.
Ce livre ne sortira qu'en physique et pas en demat' ?
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 5:40   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Abrams Books a plus de deux mille livres numériques à son catalogue, mais pas ceux de la franchise Star Wars.

-- Edit (Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 22:39) :

Une image conceptuelle représentant la première version du restaurant à bord du vaisseau Halcyon :


Guests who want to maximize their immersion in the Star Wars story of Galaxy’s Edge need look no further than Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser. Coming to Walt Disney World Resort, Galactic Starcruiser will take guests on an adventure like non other — one that “travels” into space to put guests on an elegant starship in the Chandrila Star Line fleet, the Halcyon. An overnight experience shaped around standard cruise offerings — a lounge, a dinner show, tours of the ship — Galactic Starcruiser goes above and beyond by extending an invitation to participate more actively in the narrative — whether accepting a mission from the Resistance or the First Order, training with a lightsaber, or kicking back in the lounge. Each guest sets his or her own level of participation, and their choices impact the story around them.

Whereas Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is a bit dusty and grainy — like the Route 66 of Star Wars — the Halcyon needed to feel modern and sleek; Imagineering and Lucasfilm wanted the Halcyon to live on the opposite end of the spectrum. If guests only had the option to stay for two nights, they wanted to make them feel like well-heeled travelers having a lovely experience. It was an opportunity to play with more of the slicker spaceship designes featured in Star Wars. Think Dryden Vos’s lush yacht, redolent with glossy surfaces, artifacts, elite clientele, and classy entertainment. Or, consider the opulence of Canto Bight with its glistening curves, sparkling glassware, and sweeping spaces.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar shane1609 » Mar 04 Mai 2021 - 14:29   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Vidéo promotionnelle du fameux sabre laser (dont on parle déjà dans le topic "quand la science rattrape Star Wars").

Je la remet ici car ça officialise le report de l'hôtel qui ouvrira donc en 2022 et non cette année. C'était un secret de polichinelle mais maintenant c'est dit ^^
Staffeur collection, news Disneyland et Rencontres SWU 8)
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Messagepar DarkNeo » Mar 04 Mai 2021 - 14:50   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Shut up and take my money comme dirait l'autre ! :D

On voit quand même légèrement le bout de la lame dépasser du manche à l'arrêt mais c'est bluffant !
Jedi SWU
Messages: 17948
Enregistré le: 22 Mar 2003

Messagepar V7-R1 » Mar 04 Mai 2021 - 18:38   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

May the 4th be with you !


Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Launches in 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida will take you to a galaxy far, far away for an all-immersive, two-night vacation experience that goes beyond anything Disney has ever created before. What exactly does “all-immersive” mean? Well, in honor of May the 4th, here’s a little hint…

Not sure if what you just saw is actually what you just saw? Maybe you should watch it one more time. Or 10.


Yes, that’s a new type of lightsaber Rey is holding in her hand, created by Walt Disney Imagineering Research and Development. Guests who experience Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be the first to see it in action – along with so much more – starting in 2022 when this amazing new two-night adventure debuts. Watching that lightsaber activate right before your eyes will be just one of the countless ways that, from the moment you arrive to the moment you depart, you’ll be plunged into a Star Wars story where your decisions and actions – or even the casual conversations you may have – determine how your personal journey unfolds.



Your adventure begins at the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser terminal at Walt Disney World, where you’ll gather with fellow passengers before departing for your intergalactic destination. You’ll soon enter a special Launch Pod and leave your world behind as you make a hyperspace jump to a galaxy far, far away.


You’ll watch through viewports as you approach the massive and magnificent Halcyon starcruiser, which will be your home for the next two nights. For a limited time, Disney’s Hollywood Studios guests can now see a model of the ship on display inside Walt Disney Presents – another special May the 4th surprise!

When the Launch Pod’s airlock slides open, you’ll take your first step into a galaxy far, far away as Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser comes to life all around you. During your stay aboard this glamorous ship, you may interact with an eclectic group of characters both familiar and new, possibly including the starcruiser’s strong and charismatic captain, a plucky ship’s mechanic and a galactic superstar who can captivate an entire room with the crook of one jewel-encrusted purple Twi’lek finger.


This singing sensation will be a featured performer during one of your exquisite dining experiences inside the Crown of Corellia Dining Room, which you can see in this artist concept rendering we’re sharing today for the first time. The enticing supper club’s name is an homage to Corellia, the planet known galaxy-wide for its shipyards that gave us not only the Halcyon starcruiser, but also the Millennium Falcon. The dining room is a bright and welcoming hall that will offer breakfast and lunch to passengers before transitioning each evening into a lavish multi-course menu of both otherworldly and familiar origins.


As your journey continues, you’ll have the opportunity to train in the ancient ways of the lightsaber, learn more about the inner workings of the Halcyon starcruiser and even jump on a transport to the planet Batuu to further your adventure inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. This isn’t storytelling – it’s storyliving, where you’ll see, feel and live Star Wars in a whole new way.

We’ll have much more to share about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser in the future as we look forward to its 2022 debut; you can always visit for more details, and sign up there to receive updates.

And since it’s May the 4th, let’s check out a few other Star Wars happenings at Walt Disney World in honor of this special day.




Star Wars Galactic Outpost at Disney Springs and select locations at Disney’s Hollywood Studios are showcasing new merchandise available starting today (while supplies last), including apparel featuring the new Disney+ series “The Bad Batch” (also debuting today). There are also new items from the Rainbow Star Wars Collection, as well as new Star Tours-inspired Disney Parks Wishables including R2-D2 and C-3PO.



Today and tomorrow, Disney’s Hollywood Studios is offering special Star Wars-themed desserts and beverages available at select locations throughout the park, including the new Dark Side Chocolate Creation and returning favorite Lightsaber Churro. Also, through tomorrow, Disney Springs will offer the Grogu Mini Dome Cake at Amorette’s Patisserie and the Millennium Falcon Chocolate Pop at The Ganachery.

As you can see, the Force is strong with us here at Walt Disney World Resort. So however you’re celebrating Star Wars today … May the 4th be with you !
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar Xendor » Mar 04 Mai 2021 - 18:56   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Bon ben voilà, cette fois, c'est officiel, c'est bien Walt Disney Imagineering Research and Development qui était derrière ce petit bijou :cute:
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mar 04 Mai 2021 - 21:37   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

L'Imagineer Ann Morrow Johnson nous donne quelques détails supplémentaires sur l'expérience immersive Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser dont l’histoire se déroule entre Star Wars : Les derniers Jedi et Star Wars : L'ascension de Skywalker (comme Star Wars : Galaxy’s Edge) et nous révèle que le cosplay sera vivement encouragé à bord de l'Halcyon.

Une nouvelle image conceptuelle du restaurant Crown of Corellia Dining Room a été présentée aujourd'hui.

Pendant une durée limitée, un modèle réduit du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon est exposé dans la galerie d'exposition Walt Disney Presents à Disney's Hollywood Studios Park à Walt Disney World Resort en Floride.




For Ann Morrow Johnson, an architect and artist currently making the impossible real at Disney Parks, there’s a lot to love about Star Wars. “As an Imagineer, I’m definitely the type of person who enjoys walking around the Parks, and I love that the trash cans are themed to the same environment that you see at the castles or any of the lands. Star Wars is that on steroids,” she tells “I think if you look at any of the scenes of the movies — everything from an ice-cream maker to the species in the background — I just think there’s such depth and grit of specificity in worldbuilding. It’s an incredible universe to explore.”

Johnson is exploring that universe, or galaxy far, far away, in a manner never previously attempted as executive producer and creative director of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the immersive vacation experience opening 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will offer fans a two-night itinerary, in which guests find themselves traveling aboard the Halycon starship and living out their own Star Wars story. If that sounds like something only Star Wars fans could dream up, that’s because it was.

“This project is a really fun one because it really did generate out of classic, blue-sky, Imagineers sitting around talking about what would be fun. What are the types of experiences that we just think our guests, or frankly, we, want to experience in the world? And so this absolutely came out of a conversation about, ‘Don’t you just want to sleep on a starcruiser? Like, how cool would it be if you got to live out a Star Wars story over multiple days?’”



A journey on the Halcyon will go something like this. You’ll arrive at the Galactic Starcruiser Terminal at Walt Disney World and check in for a two-night experience before entering a Launch Pod for transport to the stars. (You’ll even get to watch from windows as the world beneath gets smaller and smaller.) Following the jump to hyperspace, you’ll soon dock with the Halcyon, board, and the story starts. But to paraphrase a famous Star Wars quote, that’s only where the fun begins.

“Over your two-day, two-night vacation, you will get to not just wield a lightsaber and learn how to operate the controls at the front of the ship. It’s possible, because it’s Star Wars, that things might go awry and over the course of those two days, two nights, you’ll be called into action to actually get wrapped up in that overall galactic conflict. And depending on which path you choose — how you choose to play, which characters you choose to interact with, where you choose to be at any given time — will determine the story that you live out and get to see unfold.” To wit, Johnson says that guests can align with the Resistance (the story is set between Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, same as Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge) or betray them. As for how that impacts one’s vacation, we’ll have to wait to find out.

One driving element for Johnson and the entire team bringing Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser to life is immersion. It’s their goal to make fans feel like they’re really on a starship in Star Wars. “You are truly on board a ship,” she says. “When you look out the window, you will see a galaxy far, far away. When you’re at the front of the ship, you’ll see us moving forward. If you’re on the starboard side, you’ll see it moving to the side. On the port side, same deal. And just like any other cruise, we have an itinerary. So we have a set list of planets that we will visit. It’s possible that we might take a detour or two if we find ourselves in unexpected circumstances. But you will be able to see those planets, other ships, maybe the occasional asteroid field, out the window as we cruise from place to place. On board we have a whole host of characters who are joining us on our adventure, and that’s everything from the crew of the ship to a few folks that you might recognize from the movies, and they’ll need our help over the course of our adventure.” Who might those movie characters be? “I can tell you that it’s possible we might run into Rey, Chewbacca, and if we play our cards wrong, Kylo Ren.”


The immersion factor does not stop there. The makers of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser want fans to be active participants. “We are encouraging our guests to be in full cosplay,” she says. “So if you want to have Twi’lek lekku and a full robe, we are all for it aboard the Halcyon. And then we will treat you like the well-heeled galactic traveler that you are.” And you will be traveling in style.

If you’re wondering just what kind of ship the Halcyon is, think more Lando’s elegant Millennium Falcon, and less Han’s beat-up hand-me-down. “This is the Coruscant, Canto Bight, Dryden’s yacht, Orient Express of space,” Johnson says. “The food, the dining, the overall experience is an upscale, refined version of Star Wars that guests haven’t gotten a chance to step into yet.” While it all sounds like a dream vacation for Star Wars aficionados, Johnson also points out that Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be just as enjoyable for those who can’t tell their Wookiees from their Ewoks.

“I deeply believe that this has to be fun for people who love Star Wars and the people who love them,” she says. “So if you have never heard of Chewbacca before, or you’ve never heard of a lightsaber before, our goal is that you still have a great time. If you want to sit back, drink a space cocktail, and watch it all happen, that’s awesome. Have a fantastic space cruise.”

The opening of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be exciting for the Star Wars faithful and Disney Parks enthusiasts, but also the result of years of work for Johnson. As someone who fell in love with the worldbuilding of Star Wars, she’s most looking forward to seeing fans experience the details and hidden surprises that await. “There are so many things to love, from the characters that we’re creating to the music we’re working on to the tastings with the chefs,” she says. “But I gotta say, there’s this one design detail in the Crown of Corellia dining room where our guests will get to see a repulsor column. The Halcyon was built long ago, right when repulsors were first en vogue, and in a sort of starcruiser-modernism way, the Halcyon celebrates the technology by placing its repulsor columns in the center of the Crown of Corellia dining room for everyone to see. As a design fan and Star Wars nerd, those two things coming together has been extremely fun to see coming to life aboard the ship.”

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the immersive vacation experience, opens in 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar Xendor » Mer 05 Mai 2021 - 9:10   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Ce n'est sans doute qu'une ressemblance fortuite, mais je jurerais avoir vu Dominique Tipper au premier plan (alias Naomi Nagata de The Expanse) :
:shock: :D
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Messagepar GTZL1 » Mer 05 Mai 2021 - 10:22   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Faut avouer que ces concepts arts envoient du rêve.
Bon par contre, si le jour où j'y vais, je ne peux pas jouer au sabacc avec une Twi'lek sur mes genoux, ils vont avoir de mes nouvelles ! :D :paf:
"You're not fighting me. You're fighting yourself... and losing."

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Messagepar Amidala44 » Mer 05 Mai 2021 - 12:45   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Xendor a écrit:Ce n'est sans doute qu'une ressemblance fortuite, mais je jurerais avoir vu Dominique Tipper au premier plan (alias Naomi Nagata de The Expanse)

Oui y'a une ressemblance évidente là avec les photos :oui: C'est l'experte en sosies qui parle :lol: :lol: :paf:
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Jeu 06 Mai 2021 - 5:35   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Starbucks propose dans sa très populaire collection Been There Series une tasse à café inspirée de la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge.

Celle-ci a été spécialement conçue pour Disneyland Resort et Walt Disney World Resort où elle est exclusivement vendue (avec une petite exception malgré tout puisqu'on la retrouve en ce moment en ligne sur ShopDisney aux Etats-Unis).

Les planètes Tatooine et Endor ont également leur déclinaison au côté de Batuu.






La tasse à café Tatooine :




La tasse à café Endor :




-- Edit (Jeu 06 Mai 2021 - 15:31) :

Une mise à jour de la carte de Walt Disney World Resort a été effectuée et on peut remarquer la mention du Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser :



Et deux photos du modèle réduit du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon installé dans la galerie d'exposition Walt Disney Present à Disney's Hollywood Studios Park où il sera exposé pour une durée limitée.


Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar Aurora66 » Lun 17 Mai 2021 - 20:18   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

J’avais cru voir dans une vidéo que le Galaxy’s edge Français sera beaucoup plus petit que celui de nos amis américains... et pour nous pas de Faucon Millenium mais un X-wing. Mais bon c’est toujours ça de pris et il me tarde de voir ça ! :cute:
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Messagepar indianaced » Lun 17 Mai 2021 - 21:24   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Aurora66 a écrit:J’avais cru voir dans une vidéo que le Galaxy’s edge Français sera beaucoup plus petit que celui de nos amis américains... et pour nous pas de Faucon Millenium mais un X-wing. Mais bon c’est toujours ça de pris et il me tarde de voir ça ! :cute:

oauip pas de faucon chez nous snif , tant qua mettre un seul vaisseau pourquoi ne pas mettre un exclu pour chez nous car bon en Amérique ils ont le faucon , le tie et le x-wing...( surtout qu'il y en a déjà un de x-wing a disneyland paris)
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 19 Mai 2021 - 21:30   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Premier aperçu du couloir menant aux chambres à bord du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon :


L'image conceptuelle est tirée du livre The Art of Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge sorti récemment.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar DarkNeo » Jeu 20 Mai 2021 - 11:53   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

C'est super cher mais ça donne tellement envie...
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 22 Mar 2003

Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 21 Juil 2021 - 22:40   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Le croiseur interstellaire Halcyon sera votre hôte pour une aventure de deux nuits. L'élégant navire est connu pour son service impeccable, ses divertissements fabuleux et ses repas exquis dont vous pourrez profiter pendant vos vacances dès 2022 ! Et le croiseur interstellaire Halcyon ajoutera la lointaine planète Batuu à son itinéraire à partir de l'année prochaine… Prêt à embarquer ?


Take a First Look at the Poster for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World Resort

Are you ready for an all-immersive adventure in a galaxy far, far away aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser? Well then take a glimpse at what you can expect during your two-night journey in this new promotional poster we’re sharing today for the first time.

Opening in 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will invite you into a new kind of “storyliving” as you travel the galaxy in a finely appointed starship. So far, many details about this new experience have been as cryptic as a Bothan spy, so it’s exciting to get another peek at what we have in store. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

The Halcyon starcruiser, in the upper-left corner, is your home for this two-night adventure. The sleek ship is known for its impeccable service, fabulous entertainment and exquisite dining, all of which you’ll get to enjoy during your vacation. (Side note: You can see a model of the ship right now in Walt Disney Presents at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.)

There are four people at the center of the poster – a youngling wearing Jedi robes and wielding a lightsaber, an adult dressed in the uniform of a First Order officer, a Twi’lek adult, and another youngling who appears to be holding a piece of technology of some sort. These figures are meant to represent you, the travelers, because Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is about your choices and how you live your personal Star Wars stories. Do you want to support the First Order? Live like a Jedi in training? Or perhaps become a member of high galactic society? It’s all waiting there for you to discover and decide.

In front of those central figures is an R-series astromech droid – but one that seems to have a few extra bells and whistles. Hmm … I bet there’s a story there, too.

In the lower left, you see passengers enjoying the remarkable cuisine offered in the Crown of Corellia Dining Room, the starcruiser’s enticing supper club. The food and drink certainly seem otherworldly …

The image in the lower right is something I’m incredibly excited for – lightsaber training! That’s right, as part of your experience, you’ll face off with a training remote similar to how Luke Skywalker once did and learn the lightsaber’s ancient ways.

Looming above all this is the intimidating visage of Kylo Ren. Couple him with those First Order stormtroopers charging into the scene on the left-hand side and … I have a bad feeling about this. The Halcyon starcruiser does have a storied past, after all, and a reputation for finding itself in the middle of galactic conflicts. Luckily Chewbacca and his trusty bowcaster are there in the upper-right corner. Remember, it’s not wise to upset a Wookiee!

And don’t miss what’s happening at the very bottom of the poster. There’s something very familiar about those spires – especially to anyone who’s traveled to Batuu. I’ve heard the Halcyon starcruiser is adding that far-flung planet to its itinerary starting next year …

So my guess is this poster leaves you with as many questions as answers. Well, I have good news: We’ll soon be sitting down with Disney Imagineers to discuss all things Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, and will share that conversation with you. It will be the most in-depth discussion of this incredible new experience Walt Disney Imagineering has ever given publicly, so make sure you keep following us to find out more.

Until next time … may the Force be with you.
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Darth Erytram » Mer 21 Juil 2021 - 23:29   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

J'ai dut raté un chapitre, mais depuis quand y a Amara dans le land star wars? :whistle: :paf: :D
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Messagepar ashlack » Mer 21 Juil 2021 - 23:59   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Darth Erytram a écrit:J'ai dut raté un chapitre, mais depuis quand y a Amara dans le land star wars? :whistle: :paf: :D

C'est évidemment pas elle, beaucoup trop de vêtements voyons :paf:
(||§§§))))))))«([====MAY=THE=FORCE=BE=WITH=US====================== ashlack(arobse)
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Messagepar GTZL1 » Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 7:59   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Il va vraiment y avoir des serveuses Twi'lek ? :whistle:

Sinon cet hôtel me fait franchement baver. Faudra que je trouve un moyen d'y aller d'ici quelques années.
"You're not fighting me. You're fighting yourself... and losing."

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Messagepar Xendor » Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 8:19   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

GTZL1 a écrit:Il va vraiment y avoir des serveuses Twi'lek ? :whistle:
Petite pensée pour les personnes qui vont passer beaucoup de temps en maquillage ; j'espère pour elles qu'il y a des rotations sur la semaine :paf:
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 13:46   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

La version panoramique de l'affiche promotionnelle de Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser :


Une vue aérienne du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon prise en juillet 2021. Le bâtiment sera caché des yeux des visiteurs par de la végétation :


Le shuttle terminal de l'avant-poste de Black Spire qui accueillera les navettes en provenance du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon pour l'excursion vers la planète Batuu lors de la croisière galactique.

Il s'agit de la partie située en coulisses donc à l'extérieure de la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge du parc à thème Disney's Hollywood Studios qui ne sera pas visible par les visiteurs :  


Le shuttle terminal de Batuu ou débarqueront et embarqueront les visiteurs de et vers le croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon.

Il s'agit de la partie située à l'intérieur de la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge qui sera donc visible par les visiteurs :


Enfin, les cinq premiers épisodes de la série documentaire Les coulisses des attractions sont disponibles sur la plateforme de streaming Disney+.

Le troisième épisode est consacré à l'attraction Star Tours et aborde également les deux zones thématiques Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge .



Episode 3 : Star Tours

Lightspeed to Endor! A long time ago...Disney created Star Tours, a thrilling simulator attraction that takes guests to a galaxy far, far away. It inspired Imagineers to build a whole new land - Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. There, guests can use the Force to explore the remote outpost of Batuu and the cutting-edge attractions Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run and Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Forothangail » Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 22:43   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

J'ai regardé l'épisode sur le Star Tours. Bon ça fait pas mal doublon avec la série sur les Imagineers, mais ça reste sympa.
Je reste toujours scotché par la trouvaille du Smuggler's Run et sa capacité à donner l'impression que tu as toute une attraction pour 6 personnes.
<<Je n'ai pas essayé. J'ai fait quelque chose [...] c'est juste que ce quelque chose n'était pas très bon. Un de mes amis ne supporte pas que l'on se contente d'essayer.>>
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 30 Juil 2021 - 18:01   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Le croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon effectuera sa croisière inaugurale au printemps 2022 après six années de conception, développement et réalisation du Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser.

New Details Revealed: Disney Imagineers Talk Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, Opening Spring 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort

Opening spring 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be a two-night, immersive adventure in a galaxy far, far away that goes beyond anything Disney has created before.

But what does that mean, exactly?

To answer that question – and many more – we gathered some of the Disney Imagineers developing this groundbreaking project and let the cameras roll as they talked about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser. In this wide-ranging discussion, you’ll learn more about how you can be the hero of your own Star Wars story, about your planet-side excursion to Batuu and how this new experience complements and enhances a visit to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and so much more.

It is a must watch for anyone – from the biggest Star Wars fan to those curious about what in the galaxy Walt Disney Imagineering is up to, and everyone in between.

Les Imagineers Scot Drake, Ann Morrow Johnson, Wendy Anderson, Sara Thacher et Anisha Deshmane nous en apprennent plus sur l'expérience immersive qui attend les croisiéristes à bord du croiseur interstellaire The Halcyon et lors de l'escale sur la planète Batuu.

Chaque voyageur vivra sa propre aventure selon le degré d'implication et le rôle choisi, le tout costumé ou en mode casual.

Jedi SWU
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Messagepar shane1609 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 15:39   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Les prix pour le séjour de 3 jours/2 nuits au Galactic Stracruiser ont été dévoilés et c'est encore plus cher que ce qui avait fuité ^^

Seule consolation, il s'agit normalement d'un séjour tout compris comme pour une croisière par exemple, donc c'est hôtel, parcs, nourriture (demi pension ou complète à définir encore) et j'imagine les diverses expériences.

edit : la liste ce qui est inclus :

- 2-night stay in a cabin or suite
- Ongoing, immersive and interactive entertainment, where choices determine your experience*
- Food and beverages on the starcruiser (excluding alcoholic and specialty beverages) and a quick-service meal at Docking Bay - 7 Food and Cargo or other select locations at Disney’s Hollywood Studios**
- Admission to Disney’s Hollywood Studios for your planetary excursion to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
- Valet parking
- Exclusive Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser databand (known on your home planet as a MagicBand)

Il s'agit ici des prix pour les chambres simples, il devrait y avoir des chambres supérieurs encore :paf:

Le site officiel a été mis à jour pour faire le plein d'infos : ... /overview/
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Messagepar jedi-mich » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 15:46   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Arf, ça va, ce sont des prix raisonnables ...

... si on est millionnaires

:paf: :paf: :paf:
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Messagepar ashlack » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 15:50   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Je vais appeler Richard, Jeff ou Elon, sur les trois je suis sûr que je peux aller vraiment dans l'espace pour moins cher :paf:

A ce prix-là chez Disney, j'espère au moins que y'a du lait bleu et des tei'leks à volonté :paf:
(||§§§))))))))«([====MAY=THE=FORCE=BE=WITH=US====================== ashlack(arobse)
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Messagepar shane1609 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 15:55   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

J'ai édité mon message plus haut avec plus d'infos
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 16:09   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Le premier spot publicitaire :

‘We’re Gonna Save the Galaxy’: Check Out the First Commercial for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World Resort

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is set to open in spring 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort, and today with the debut of its first commercial, we get a glimpse of what this first-of-its-kind vacation experience will be like. Check it out!

After you’ve watched this one or maybe 10 times, here are a few fun moments that stood out to me:

* We already know our adventure will begin at the Galactic Starcruiser Terminal at Walt Disney World, where we’ll enter a launch pod and head out into space. In this new clip, we watch out a viewport as the pod jumps to hyperspace, followed by the sudden appearance of the Halcyon starcruiser, our home base for this immersive two-night adventure in a galaxy far, far away.

*As we learned last week from Disney Imagineers, the dining experience will certainly be a highlight of a stay aboard the starcruiser. And you never know whom you may bump into while sipping a beverage.

* You see in the commercial how the Resistance is always looking for new recruits – but will we choose to join them?

* As our hero’s family rushes into the scene, you get a view out to space over his shoulder, and then a quick look inside the cabin. The sleeping berths we can see are reminiscent of a similar bunk inside the main hold of the Millennium Falcon, no? And those are definitely some nice robes the family is wearing – they look like Jedi ready for action!

* When the camera pulls back, we zoom out the cabin’s viewport and into space – where suddenly TIE fighters dart in and hurl some blaster bolts toward the starcruiser. The Imagineers let us know we’ll be trained in bridge operations as part of our stay on the ship, and its laser cannons may come in handy at some point …

That’s a lot to digest in just 30 seconds! If you’re interested in learning more, head over to, which was updated this morning with loads of new details. While you’re there, be sure to sign up to receive updates as more information is released. You can also check out our aforementioned conversation with Imagineers all about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser in the video below. (la vidéo en question est celle que j'ai postée il y a quelques jours déjà, voir mon message du vendredi 30 juillet dernier)
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar link224 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 16:30   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Juste envie de vomir sur Disney qui rend ce pan de Star Wars accessible uniquement aux riches, et donc à une infime partie de la population mondiale, c'est juste complètement nul :(

Et quand je vois, qu'en plus de ces prix outrageusement hallucinants, y'a des "additional fees" de partout pour accéder à une masse d'autres trucs, c'est juste indécent de leur part...
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Messagepar Lookens » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 16:55   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

shane1609 a écrit:Les prix pour le séjour de 3 jours/2 nuits au Galactic Stracruiser ont été dévoilés et c'est encore plus cher que ce qui avait fuité ^^

Seule consolation, il s'agit normalement d'un séjour tout compris comme pour une croisière par exemple, donc c'est hôtel, parcs, nourriture (demi pension ou complète à définir encore) et j'imagine les diverses expériences.

edit : la liste ce qui est inclus :

- 2-night stay in a cabin or suite
- Ongoing, immersive and interactive entertainment, where choices determine your experience*
- Food and beverages on the starcruiser (excluding alcoholic and specialty beverages) and a quick-service meal at Docking Bay - 7 Food and Cargo or other select locations at Disney’s Hollywood Studios**
- Admission to Disney’s Hollywood Studios for your planetary excursion to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
- Valet parking
- Exclusive Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser databand (known on your home planet as a MagicBand)

Il s'agit ici des prix pour les chambres simples, il devrait y avoir des chambres supérieurs encore :paf:

Le site officiel a été mis à jour pour faire le plein d'infos : ... /overview/

Ah donc y a même pas un billet pour Galaxy edge dans le lot ? Eh ben ça fait cher le séjour au bout d'un moment, déjà que le prix pour les parcs + l'avion quand t'es étranger c'est du haut level, avec ça t'as intérêt à avoir de l'argent :transpire:

Je me doutais que ce serait loin d'être donné mais là... Honnêtement c'est un truc que l'essentiel des fans ne pourra pas faire
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Forothangail » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 17:15   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Boah vous savez, le parc de Floride vient de révéler ses nouveaux tarifs de pass, à paliers comme à Paris, c'est effrayant la différence...

Bon, il faut se rappeler que les salaires ne sont pas les mêmes entre ici et là-bas, rapport à la cotisation retraite, toussa, toussa...mais quand même.
<<Je n'ai pas essayé. J'ai fait quelque chose [...] c'est juste que ce quelque chose n'était pas très bon. Un de mes amis ne supporte pas que l'on se contente d'essayer.>>
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar shane1609 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 17:23   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

link224 a écrit:Juste envie de vomir sur Disney qui rend ce pan de Star Wars accessible uniquement aux riches, et donc à une infime partie de la population mondiale, c'est juste complètement nul :(

Et quand je vois, qu'en plus de ces prix outrageusement hallucinants, y'a des "additional fees" de partout pour accéder à une masse d'autres trucs, c'est juste indécent de leur part...

C'est cher c'est clair, trop cher probablement. Mais faut aussi se rendre compte que c'est un projet qui a coûté des millions, qui n'a aucun équivalent dans le monde entier quel que soit la licence. C'est un pari sur une nouvelle forme d'entertainement.

Pour garantir l'immersion, y a qu'une septantaine de chambre (si tu faisais plus, c'était clairement plus possible de garantir à tout le monde de pouvoir participer aux expériences, tu transformes les restaurant en cantine, etc.). Du coup, tu peux être sur qu'il y aura autant de Cast Members que de visiteurs dans l'hôtel et qui seront au petit soin pour te faire vivre un truc de ouf.

Disney crée une offre et a toujours annoncé qu'on était sur un hôtel deluxe et perso j'ai pas de doute qu'en quelques minutes, ça va être complet pour l'ouverture et probablement les premiers mois.

J'ai vu Galaxy’s Edge et je n'ai pas regretté une seule seconde les milliers d'euros du voyage. La qualité était plus qu'au rdv et si je dois économiser des mois/année pour aller dans cet hôtel et ben je le ferai perso :neutre:
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Messagepar GTZL1 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 17:27   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Les prix sont chers mais ne me choquent pas tant que ça... quand tu vois le nombre de places dans l'hôtel et le nombre de fans potentiels, si tu mets 100$ le séjour, t'as une liste d'attente de 15 ans :paf:

Ça fait 40 ans que les fans attendent ce genre d'expériences, et maintenant que ça existe il n'y a pas un seul commentaire positif... N'oublions pas que ce n'est que le début. D'autres offres peuvent être créées, les prix peuvent fluctuer, Disney peut en ouvrir d'autres.
"You're not fighting me. You're fighting yourself... and losing."

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Messagepar Obiwan Keshnobi » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 17:46   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Il y aura une file d'attente pour obtenir une date. Donc ils ont bien choisi leurs tarifs :D
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 04 Aoû 2021 - 21:32   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Lookens a écrit:
shane1609 a écrit:Les prix pour le séjour de 3 jours/2 nuits au Galactic Stracruiser ont été dévoilés et c'est encore plus cher que ce qui avait fuité ^^

Seule consolation, il s'agit normalement d'un séjour tout compris comme pour une croisière par exemple, donc c'est hôtel, parcs, nourriture (demi pension ou complète à définir encore) et j'imagine les diverses expériences.

edit : la liste ce qui est inclus :

- 2-night stay in a cabin or suite
- Ongoing, immersive and interactive entertainment, where choices determine your experience*
- Food and beverages on the starcruiser (excluding alcoholic and specialty beverages) and a quick-service meal at Docking Bay - 7 Food and Cargo or other select locations at Disney’s Hollywood Studios**
- Admission to Disney’s Hollywood Studios for your planetary excursion to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
- Valet parking
- Exclusive Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser databand (known on your home planet as a MagicBand)

Il s'agit ici des prix pour les chambres simples, il devrait y avoir des chambres supérieurs encore :paf:

Le site officiel a été mis à jour pour faire le plein d'infos : ... /overview/

Ah donc y a même pas un billet pour Galaxy edge dans le lot ? Eh ben ça fait cher le séjour au bout d'un moment, déjà que le prix pour les parcs + l'avion quand t'es étranger c'est du haut level, avec ça t'as intérêt à avoir de l'argent :transpire:

Je me doutais que ce serait loin d'être donné mais là... Honnêtement c'est un truc que l'essentiel des fans ne pourra pas faire

Si, si, l'entrée au parc à thème Disney's Hollywood Studios est inclue et est prévue le jour 2 (Jour 1 = arrivée au Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Terminal entre 13h00 et 16h00 avec transfert vers le croiseur Halcyon, Jour 3 = débarquement entre 9h30 et 10h00, après le petit-déjeuner). Cela permet la visite de la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge.

Les "missions" tout au long de la visite de Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, y compris Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance et Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run influenceront les événements de retour sur le navire, tout est lié et fait partie de votre histoire personnelle de Star Wars. Une entrée unique à ces deux attractions phares lors de l'excursion à Batuu est comprise.

Les repas à bord (petits-déjeuners, déjeuners et dîners) sont servis au Crown of Corellia Dining Room à l'exception du déjeuner lors de l'excursion sur la planète Batuu qui est prévu au Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo de la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge.

Les visiteurs qui le souhaitent peuvent quitter la zone Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge pour decouvrir les six autres zones thématiques du parc à thèmes Disney's Hollywood Studios.

De plus, les visiteurs auront la possibilité de prendre leur déjeuner dans un autre restaurant que le Docking Bay 7 Food Cargo (une liste des autres options de restauration situées dans les autres zones thématiques du parc à thème Disney's Hollywood Studios sera remise sur demande).

shane1609 a écrit:Pour garantir l'immersion, y a qu'une septantaine de chambre (si tu faisais plus, c'était clairement plus possible de garantir à tout le monde de pouvoir participer aux expériences, tu transformes les restaurant en cantine, etc.). Du coup, tu peux être sur qu'il y aura autant de Cast Members que de visiteurs dans l'hôtel et qui seront au petit soin pour te faire vivre un truc de ouf.

Il y a trois types d'hébergement à bord (les "Standard Cabin" pour 4 ou 5 personnes, les "Galaxy Class Suite" pour 4 personnes et les "Grand Captain Suite" pour 8 personnes) avec un total de 100 chambres et suites.

Le restaurant Crown of Corellia Dining Room où seront pris tous les repas (à l'exception du déjeuner au Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo le jour de l'excursion sur la planète Batuu) assurera deux services chaque soir, les visiteurs devront choisir entre le premier et le second service lors de la réservation, les premiers qui réserveront leur forfait auront le choix, les derniers devront peut-être accepter le seul service disponible à ce moment là).
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Lookens » Jeu 05 Aoû 2021 - 8:35   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

ah d'accord c'est déjà plus cohérent merci !
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Jeu 30 Sep 2021 - 18:03   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Le voyage inaugural aura lieu le 1er mars 2022, les réservations ouvriront dès le mois prochain.

Avant cela, les membres du Club 33, les résidents de Golden Oaks, les membres du programme Disney Vacation Club, les titulaires de passes annuels et les titulaires de cartes de crédit Visa Disney auront accès à la réservation en avant-première selon le schéma suivant :

5 et 6 octobre : Club 33 et Golden Oaks.

8 et 9 octobre : Disney Vacation Club et Annual Passholders.

12 au 16 octobre : Disney Visa cardholders.

A partir du 28 octobre : Les réservations sont ouvertes à tout le monde.


First Voyages on Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Begin March 1, 2022; General Bookings Open Oct. 28, 2021

The inaugural voyage of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World Resort will depart March, 1, 2022! General bookings for this immersive adventure in a galaxy far, far away will open less than one month from now, on Oct. 28, 2021. Some Disney and Star Wars fans, including Disney Vacation Club members, Disney Passholders and Disney Visa Cardmembers, should be on the lookout in the coming weeks for a special booking opportunity just for you.  

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is a first-of-its-kind vacation experience that goes beyond anything Disney has created before. You’ll become the hero of your own Star Wars story during this two-night adventure, traveling the galaxy in style aboard the Halcyon starcruiser and eventually making your way to the Outer Rim for a planetside excursion to Batuu. You choose how to make your way in the galaxy – maybe as a member of the Resistance, or by learning the ancient ways of the Jedi lightsaber. Maybe you prefer loyalty to the First Order or the excitement of living life like a smuggler? The decisions are up to you.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 13 Oct 2021 - 16:49   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

L'inauguration de Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser sera précédée par une mini-série Marvel Comics en cinq numéros à paraître au début de l'année prochaine : Star Wars : Halcyon Legacy.  



The legendary Halcyon is ready to launch and you’re invited along for the ride. is pleased to announce Star Wars: Halcyon Legacy, a new 5-issue comic book miniseries from Marvel, debuting next year.

Written by Ethan Sacks, who penned the recent Star Wars: Bounty Hunters run, with art by Will Sliney, whose work includes Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren and others, the series reunites the creative team behind the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge comic miniseries for a new adventure that ties in to the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser experience opening at Walt Disney World Resort in March 2022. “In the summer of 1977, my life was forever changed as a four-year-old by two experiences that have seared themselves in my brain for all these years: Seeing Star Wars in the movie theater and visiting [Walt] Disney World for the first time,” Sacks tells “The chance to contribute to the lore of both with Halcyon Legacy, the tale of the ship that will be an integral memory for so many fellow fans, is an incredible honor. And to re-team with my Galaxy’s Edge co-pilot, artist extraordinaire Will Sliney, makes it extra-special. I promise we’ll bake that joy into every page of every issue as we take you on a journey across 275 years of epic adventures, from the High Republic through the time of the First Order. You’re going to enjoy this ride.”

With a story that spans centuries, readers can revisit the iconic ship at different points in the Star Wars timeline, reunite with familiar faces like the ultimate scoundrel pairing of Lando and Hondo teaming up for the first time, and travel the stars with a featured tale that leads into the events of the Walt Disney World Resort experience, taking place between Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. “As a life-long Star Wars fan, I’m thrilled to be a part of the team helping bring Halcyon Legacy to life,” adds Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski. “We’ve all been able to experience Star Wars in so many ways over the years, from watching the films to playing with the toys to reading the comics to even visiting Batuu and drinking at the cantina, but now Walt Disney World is taking things to the next level with this immersive, interactive experience. Our series will get you up to speed on this important part of the galaxy far, far away as you prepare to put on your cloak, pick up your lightsaber and blast off in Orlando.”

Take a look at the cover of issue #1 from E.M. Gist below — featuring the one and only Burryaga — and learn more about the first adventure in the series.



Written by ETHAN SACKS


Cover by E.M. GIST


* As the legendary HALCYON embarks on a momentous…cruise, the ship heads toward a confrontation with THE FIRST ORDER!

* But what secret from THE HIGH REPUBLIC ERA can help the passengers and crew all these years later?

* And how did JEDI NIBS and BURRY fend off a NIHIL attack on one of the ship’s first ever voyages? ... ive-reveal
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar link224 » Mer 13 Oct 2021 - 16:57   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Et on en parle en forum Littérature : viewtopic.php?p=1385023#p1385023, donc pas besoin de faire doublon ici :)
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 29 Oct 2021 - 6:04   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Toujours en lien avec la zone thématique Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge du parc à thème Disney's Hollywood Studios en Floride, les cast members sélectionnés pour rejoindre l'équipage du vaisseau interstellaire Halcyon ont commencé à en être informé individuellement.

L'accès prioritaire a expiré pour les différentes personnes concernées et les réservations sont désormais ouvertes à tous.

Assembling the Crew That’s Ready to Host Passengers on Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser

Can you feel it? There’s an energy buzzing across Walt Disney World Resort this month, as several cast members started receiving much-anticipated emails, phone calls and even pop-in surprises. While these cast members have been making magic every day in a variety of roles, they’ve also raised their hands for the opportunity to push the limits of storytelling, to exceed the fundamental standards of guest service and help passengers live out their Star Wars adventure with the opening of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser.

With its first voyage taking off March 1, 2022, this 2-night, immersive journey is now available for booking. And while guests start planning and packing (think of all the creative costume options!), this special opening team is already joining forces with those who have been working behind the scenes to bring this entirely new vacation experience to life – with colorful cuisine, amazing activities and themed accommodations, combined with superb service and attention to detail. After all, while passengers travel aboard the Halcyon starcruiser, what’s a ship without an amazing crew and dedicated leaders?

The hand-selected leadership team for this experience received their calls as well and will be boarding soon, readying the vessel and crew for their next uncharted adventures. This special team now proudly displays the insignia of Chandrila Star Line—the incomparable interplanetary travel group which the Halcyon starcruiser belongs to—as part of their daily wardrobe. This prestigious symbol serves as a reminder of their commitment to providing the finest service in the galaxy, and you can be sure that the leaders wearing this coveted badge of honor will deliver the finest service as stewards of Chandrila Star Line.



No matter the crew member you meet, every one of these individuals are about to step aboard into a transformative training experience where they will learn the history and traditions of the Halcyon starcruiser, elevate their service to new levels and prepare to step into roles that will bring this journey to life every day.


With more surprise notifications to come and lots of memorable moments for this opening team, this is just the start of the crew for this experience where it will be your journey, honored.
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 05 Nov 2021 - 9:52   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

A découvrir lors du prochain événement Destination D23 (à ne pas confondre avec la convention D23 Expo) qui se déroulera le weekend du vendredi 19 au dimanche 21 novembre à l'hôtel Disney's Contemporary Resort de Walt Disney World Resort en Floride :

World Building for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser – Learn how this all-new two-night immersive experience is coming to life, and how it connects to the broader Star Wars galaxy, with host Ashley Eckstein and an array of the creative minds behind the project.

Une partie de l'événement Destination D23 : A Fan-Tastic Disney Celebration sera retransmis sur la chaîne Youtube du fan club Disney D23 : le samedi 20 et le dimanche 21, de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 17h00.

La présentation de l'expérience immersive Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser est programmée le samedi après-midi, quelque part entre 14h00 et 17h00.
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar HanSolo » Ven 05 Nov 2021 - 10:20   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

L'annonce de l'explosion prochaine du tarif des parcs SW dans le monde entier (et qui n épargnera pas le Land SW) diminue fortement l'intérêt de ces animations :(
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 05 Nov 2021 - 20:51   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

ILMxLAB et Meta Quest présenteront en avant-première et pour une durée limitée une expérience VR spéciale Star Wars : Tales from the Galaxy's Edge dans la zone de divertissement Downtown Disney District de Disneyland Resort à Anaheim.

Cette avant-première sera présentée tous les jours de midi à 20h00 du 21 novembre 2021 au 5 janvier 2022. L'accès est gratuit et jouxte la boutique Star Wars Trading Post qui a ouvert en février dernier dans le bâtiment anciennement occupé par le restaurant Rainforest Cafe.

ILMxLAB and Meta Quest to Preview Special VR Experience Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge in Downtown Disney District for a Limited Time at Disneyland Resort

Meta Quest and ILMxLAB, Lucasfilm’s award-winning immersive entertainment studio, are presenting a special Quest 2 preview of Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge coming to the Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort, Nov. 21, 2021 – Jan. 5, 2022.

This preview version of ILMxLAB’s virtual reality experience expands the world of Batuu like never before! Once inside the Quest 2 headset, you’ll be immersed within sweeping 360 views of the Star Wars galaxy. The adventure takes place on the outskirts of Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu, as depicted in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the immersive epic lands at Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

The story features both new and iconic characters from the Star Wars galaxy. Gameplay was designed for a variety of players – from Star Wars fans to VR gamers – at home on Quest 2.

In Part 1 of this action-adventure experience, you take on the role of a droid repair technician operating near the Outer Rim. When a group of pirates attack and you crash on Batuu, you’ll discover that anyone in the galaxy can become a hero.

Then, continue your epic journey with Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge-Last Call, the recently-released expansion. This new add-on gives you the opportunity to expand your virtual reality adventures on the Outer Rim and experience more eras in the Star Wars galaxy.

For a limited time, this complimentary preview experience will be offered daily, Noon – 8 p.m., adjacent to Star Wars Trading Post in the Downtown Disney District. Reservations may be available. A Meta Quest staff member will assist you on-site with reserving a time to come back to participate or direct you to queue up outside the building, based on availability.
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 17 Nov 2021 - 0:50   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Avant de prendre part à un voyage à bord du croiseur interstellaire Halcyon dans le cadre de la nouvelle expérience immersive de deux nuits qui sera inaugurée en mars prochain à Walt Disney World Resort en Floride, nous découvrirons ses origines et ses premiers voyages au plus fort de l'Ordre Jedi.

En sus de la mini-série de comics Star Wars : Halcyon Legacy en cours de publication chez Marvel, l'Halcyon apparaîtra également dans les prochains romans de la Haute République, Mission to Disaster de Justina Ireland et Midnight Horizon de Daniel José Older.

Il ne s'agirait pas seulement de découvrir le croiseur Halcyon en action mais aussi de plonger dans l'histoire du navire et sa construction... avant d'avoir prochainement l'occasion d'y monter à bord et d'y vivre notre propre histoire !

BTW, l'Halcyon afficherait déjà complet pour les trois premiers mois ! :cute:

Jedi SWU
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Messagepar HanSolo » Mer 17 Nov 2021 - 10:09   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

V7-R1 a écrit:
BTW, l'Halcyon afficherait déjà complet pour les trois premiers mois ! :cute:

Avec des tarifs debutant a $4 809 pour 2 personnes ... ça donne une idée du public visé :whistle:
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
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Messagepar CRL » Mer 17 Nov 2021 - 11:06   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

Il y a des fans qui prennent des crédits pour leur(s) collection(s)... donc pourquoi pas un nouveau crédit pour cette expérience ? :neutre:

Quand dès le début de leurs études ils sont déjà (pour la plupart) endettés.... C'est pas du tout le même rapport à l'argent et au crédit, au final. :paf:
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
— Carl Sagan, Cosmos
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Messagepar HanSolo » Mer 17 Nov 2021 - 11:14   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

CRL a écrit:Il y a des fans qui prennent des crédits pour leur(s) collection(s)... donc pourquoi pas un nouveau crédit pour cette expérience ? :neutre:

Quand dès le début de leurs études ils sont déjà (pour la plupart) endettés.... C'est pas du tout le même rapport à l'argent et au crédit, au final. :paf:

Vu le succès de ces attractions hors de prix, ça m'etonne même que Disney ne propose pas des tarifs encore plus délirants.
Je suis persuadé que ça serait également sold out ...
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Jeu 18 Nov 2021 - 1:40   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

New Characters Join the Galaxy Far, Far Away as Part of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World Resort

Reservations are now open for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the first-of-its-kind, two-night immersive vacation experience in a galaxy far, far away. Debuting March 1, 2022, at Walt Disney World Resort, this Star Wars adventure will make you the hero of your own story as you tour the galaxy aboard the glamorous Halcyon starcruiser.

Throughout your voyage, you’ll see, feel and live Star Wars, which includes the possibility of meeting heroes of the Resistance like Rey and Chewbacca, or encountering the malevolent Kylo Ren of the First Order. But the starcruiser also brings with it a host of characters new to the Star Wars galaxy, created especially for this experience.

Let’s meet a few of them for the first time!


Captain Riyola Keevan

Charismatic, respected and trustworthy, Captain Keevan will lead your voyage aboard the Halcyon starcruiser. She is a strong and decisive leader, endearing herself to both her crew and her passengers by being fair to all and cool under pressure – a skill she’s learned from her … “adventurous” history. You’ll likely find the captain on the ship’s bridge – and you’d be wise to listen carefully and follow her instructions.


Cruise Director Lenka Mok

There is much fun to be had aboard the starcruiser, and Lenka Mok is your go-to crew member to discover it all. As the captain’s right hand, Mok is in charge of onboard entertainment, so it’s her job to make sure your voyage is an adventure. An optimistic and joyful soul, Mok’s happiness is derived from yours, so this is definitely someone you’ll want to meet!



This astromech droid is Mok’s assistant cruise director, ensuring things run smoothly and on time. He keeps an eye on all the workings of the ship and is devoted to Mok and Captain Keevan. And while he loves to have fun with guests, he’s also good in a pinch if anything should go awry (one of his many hidden talents).


Sammie the Mechanic

Sammie’s proficiency as the ship’s new mechanic is actually not his most endearing feature. His enthusiasm and good-natured personality quickly won over the starcruiser’s crew and that makes him popular among guests who happen across his path. He’s clearly eager to prove himself on such a well-appointed vessel, and his tasks always seem to get done … somehow.



D3-O9 is another droid you may see appear on viewscreens onboard the Halcyon starcruiser. Her primary responsibility is running ship logistics, so she certainly knows everyone and everything happening onboard during a voyage. But her favorite part of the job is talking with passengers. Built centuries ago by Chandrila Star Line’s founder, D3 has seen the ship’s history – and the entire galaxy – evolve, and she’s not shy about sharing her knowledge and opinions with passengers.


First Order Lt. Harman Croy

While the Halcyon starcruiser is a pleasure vessel, this is a stormy time in the galaxy as battles rage between the First Order and the Resistance – and it’s often impossible to avoid the conflict. The ambitious and intimidating Lt. Croy is on special assignment to root out and expose any Resistance fighters who are rumored to be aboard the ship. Will you help him? Will you support the Resistance? Will you just sit back and see how the whole thing plays out? The choice is yours.

-- Edit (Jeu 18 Nov 2021 - 0:52) :



The lightsaber jumps to life in my hands, illuminating a sense of purpose with its gentle hum. At first, the training droid goes slow, telegraphing the path of each simulated blast to give me time to deflect, then intensifying with speed.

But the real question is: can I do it with the equivalent of a blast shield over my eyes? My trainer, Disney Imagineer Sara Thacher, assures me I am strong with the Force, and the other passengers aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser gather behind me, shields at the ready to protect themselves should I fail. Then I calm my mind and just breathe.

My body remembers the lightsaber forms in a mix of muscle memory and, perhaps, the Force itself as instinct. With a glimmer of foresight, I can see what’s coming before the training droid fires, feeling the jolt of each successful defensive move as the hilt vibrates in my hands.


When I boarded the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser for an abbreviated play test last week, I expected to choose between the First Order and aiding the Resistance — although the General Leia shirt I chose for the day tips my hand in terms of allegiance. But I never expected to feel like Luke Skywalker himself, taking my first steps into a larger world with the Force as my guide. That’s the magic of the new immersive two-day experience opening at Walt Disney World Resort in March 2022. If you’ve boarded a cruise ship or touched down on Black Spire Outpost, you have a sense of what to expect. But the reality is a unique, personalized adventure that takes you on a journey into a reality all its own as a passenger aboard the Halcyon starcruiser.


This artist concept rendering shows the Galactic Starcruiser Terminal at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., where guests will arrive for their two-night vacation at Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, opening in 2022.

Protect the Wookiee

The terminal that welcomes you from the outside world is a non-descript earthy bunker, a portal of gray stone that seems to blend in with its surroundings. But the minute you step into the Launch Pod? That all changes. Through a viewport on the ceiling you’ll see yourself hurtling toward the sky, beyond the clouds, and to the stars where the Halcyon starcruiser awaits its next group of passengers. The play tests allow Imagineers a chance to see how an audience responds to the project, with a quick tour to give visitors on this trek an overview of the massive space before we’re pulled into the action.

The central atrium connects to the main bridge, a plush oasis with red velvet benches. In one corner, a hologram emits the ship’s logo, a simple circle with two slash marks bisecting the continuous line. Although signs of construction lingered during my visit, the effect of earthly displacement was still palpable. Gazing out the main viewport at the planet below, ships buzzing around nearby undoubtedly gathering other passengers, is quite a sight. Then you begin to feel the gentle tug of motion. The stars outside pass by as the ship begins its journey. And even though you know your eyes can deceive you, you would swear you’re moving through space.

The ship’s 100 passenger cabins form the spine of the ship, accessible from the four decks that are designated for passengers. The rest of the 13 decks are for crew members only — unless, of course, you can talk your way into a special mission as a new Resistance recruit. The bunks appear small in photos, but a six-foot-tall passenger can comfortably lie down in one of the capsule-like sleeping quarters. On an opposite wall, a standard double bed is bolted to the wall, with space for luggage to be stowed beneath and a simple table with two stools below the viewport, an ever-changing view of the stars with a blast shield that can be lowered when it’s time to rest.


Guests experiencing Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser – opening in 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. – will have fantastic meals in the Crown of Corellia Dining Room, seen in this artist concept rendering. The enticing supper club is a bright and welcoming hall offering menus of both otherworldly and familiar origins. One night’s dinner will feature a live performance from a galactic superstar.


Guests can enjoy the Sublight Lounge as part of their stay aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the first-of-its-kind vacation experience debuting March 1, 2022, at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

On a quick tour, we glimpse the lightsaber training room, the brig, and get directions to a climate simulator, a courtyard where you can begin to acclimate to the weather conditions at the ship’s first port of Batuu. The dining hall looks almost exactly like the concept art, with more velvet seating in plush blue-green, gold accents, and stunning lighting fixtures that look like something straight out of the glittering world of Canto Bight. When we duck our heads into the Sublight Lounge, it feels like we’ve stepped foot onto a more relaxed version of Dryden Vos’ luxury yacht. In one corner a working holotable sits ready for a friendly game of sabacc while behind the bar swirling carafes of colorful beverages are ready for sipping.

Then it’s time for muster.

On this particular day, to the crowd in the atrium the ship’s captain, Riyola Keevan, appears human, although her kind eyes shine through. She carries herself like someone who would be willing to protect her ship and the people aboard at all costs. Assistant cruise director SK-62O whizzes by, an astromech on a mission. And the First Order is already making its presence known, as Lt. Croy and two stormtroopers pace around taking part in light interrogation techniques.


Guests will step into a bustling atrium when they arrive aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the first-of-its-kind vacation experience debuting March 1, 2022, at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

There’s so much activity that my eyes don’t know where to focus until I see a familiar swatch of brown concealed behind a support beam on the deck just above. Chewbacca has arrived, taking refuge as a stowaway. When he opens his mouth, a cacophony of Wookiee howls and chortles emits from his safely masked features. Word quickly begins to spread that we must help hide Chewie from the First Order, and I spring to action, stretching my arms out as nonchalantly as possible to extend my five-foot-five frame while the Wookiee tries to make himself small behind a wall of like-minded passengers. Working together, we manage to sneak him out of the atrium while another guest distracts the First Order with questions. And safely in a corridor we learn the language of the Resistance, a passcode that will help identify others along our journey. “Ignite the spark,” the captain says, and we respond in unison, “light the fire.”

Battle stations

Bridge training is next on the itinerary, a team sport that requires passengers of all ages to belly-up to a console and learn how to operate the shields, loader systems, and weapons in case of an emergency. My partner and I quickly become competitive even during the training exercise, taking the potential for a life-or-death situation very seriously.

It’s lucky we do, because the practice is interrupted by a First Order blockade, calling for an intervention by all those present.


Guests will learn the workings of the bridge aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the first-of-its-kind vacation experience debuting March 1, 2022, at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

We use our recently acquired skills to blast our way out of there and make the jump to hyperspace. It’s an unexpectedly awe-inspiring feeling to be standing on the bridge of a starcruiser when it makes that leap into the starry abyss. Even if you’ve experienced it second-hand in a movie theater or even first-hand safely strapped in on Star Tours or Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run, neither can adequately prepare you for this moment. The blue streaks of hyperspace whiz by, reflected on your face as you stare up at them from the bridge. There’s no question that you are in the story, living out all your dreams of stepping into the Star Wars galaxy.

After a successful mission to send a message on a Resistance relay, despite an impossibly dangerous asteroid field and a nefarious First Order Probe Droid that sends us all ducking our heads below the console to avoid detection, it’s time to return from where we came. But the First Order is waiting, and the paramilitary group swiftly takes over, escorting us from the bridge.

“At Disney, so often you’re used to seeing massive scale, yet this is an incredibly intimate experience,” says Ann Morrow Johnson, the Disney Imagineer who serves as executive producer and creative director of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser. “There are only 100 cabins and we’ve got lots of characters onboard the ship. And because we want it to feel like that elevated intimate experience where you really get to connect with the characters onboard, you have that personalized service from the crew members. You feel like this is an adventure that is happening to all of you as a community. This whole adventure is kind of befalling you together over the course of those two days.”

Engineering deck

Our next assignment takes us into the bowels of the ship to manage the engineering systems in an effort to prevent Lt. Croy from taking control. The room feels like an Earth-bound boiler room, with additional lights, levers, and buttons. As my eyes adjust to the dimly lit room and I try to figure out what to tackle first, a crew member thrusts a hydrospanner into my hands and I get to work opening and closing some essential valves.

Faced with a series of puzzles just waiting to be solved, we move around the room comforted by the thrum of the engines and the occasional puff of smoke, turning angry red lights into serene white beacons with the right sequence of switches and levers.

In the coolant room, we learn to work together as some of the switches must be moved in unison at a distance too far for any human to reach. A young Jedi appears and, although I don’t catch his name, we wordlessly work together to throw the massive switches, resulting in a satisfying hiss, to keep things flowing. You can always trust a Jedi.


Guests will learn the ways of the Jedi during lightsaber training aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the first-of-its-kind vacation experience debuting March 1, 2022, at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

One with the Force

Afterward, my group is sent to the lightsaber training room.

At first, we all take turns using the practice sabers to deflect the training droid’s blaster fire, our small group cheering each other on. As the lightsaber ignites the hilt vibrates, coming alive with a shaft of light to be used only for defense. The weapon feels surprisingly light in my hands.

When the training droid intensifies the exercise, sending bolts firing off more rapidly in all directions, we’re handed special deflecting shields. Using the same lightsaber forms, the shields quickly become invaluable tools to protect those who are unarmed at the back of the room.

After some success, it’s my big mouth that results in the final test: deflecting simulated blasts using only the Force. I’m so confident and vocal that the trainer plucks me out of the crowd to demonstrate for the rest of the class, and for a moment I wonder: what have I done?

This is how I end up with the rest of the team gathered behind me, shields up and at the ready should I fail. I don’t know if I say it out loud or if the words simply echo in my mind, but with this reminder I raise my weapon: “I am one with the Force…and the Force is with me.”

-- Edit (Jeu 18 Nov 2021 - 1:15) :



When you board Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, the transformative two-day immersive experience will be unlike anything you’ve experienced before. A spread of galactic cuisine will take you on a culinary tour of the stars, with dishes inspired by Star Wars planets. A boutique provides opportunities to dress the part, including some garments inspired by the Star Wars films and modeled after actual costumes plucked from the Skywalker Ranch archive. And whether your journey takes you to the underworld, turns you into a recruit for the Resistance, or has you sympathizing with the First Order, you can be sure it will be a wholly unique experience complete with the chance to train with a lightsaber. recently visited Walt Disney World Resort for an early look at all things Star Wars: Galactic Starcuiser. Here are 31 fun facts and tidbits we learned during our stay.


1. You’ll get to live out your dreams of lightsaber training.

There have been other opportunities to wield the weapon of the Jedi, building a unique blade inside Savi’s Workshop or procuring replicas of those carried by some of the most famous Jedi and Sith. But it’s a different beast when you’re tasked with not only igniting the blade but learning to use it for defense.

2. It’s definitely not a hotel.

During an exclusive press panel, both Scott Trowbridge, portfolio creative executive, Walt Disney Imagineering, and Elizabeth Mullins, vice president of Hotels and Resorts for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, noted that even though you’ll presumably sleep in the appointed cabin during your two-day immersive experience inside Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, they’re not calling it a hotel and for good reason. “It’s easy for me to say it’s not a hotel, but it takes a little bit more conversation to describe really what it is and what our guests are going to be able to experience,” Trowbridge says. In 50 years of Disney Parks and Resorts in Florida, the Starcruiser is truly the first of its kind. “It is unlike anything that anyone has ever done before,” he adds. “And I think it is very exciting because it’s actually very much in keeping with Imagineering and Lucasfilm to invent new ways of delivering experiences, new ways of telling stories. This is absolutely a next step in innovation of how immersive we can be.”

In the words of Ann Morrow Johnson, executive producer and creative director for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, it’s a piece of immersive theater, coupled with a signature dining experience, and select elements of a standard cruise. “We’re developing a thing that hasn’t been done before, at least not at this kind of scale and not this kind of level,” adds Trowbridge. “I think that’s consistent with the kind of innovation we’re always striving to do to find ways to create these experiences and bring our guests closer to the stories and characters we care about.”


3. The inside of the ship is most impressive, but so is what’s happening outside.

For the tailored experience, designers created the Halcyon starcruiser from the ground up, including the massive starfield and passing ships viewable outside any viewport onboard.

“We’ve built a galaxy,” says Sara Thacher, the senior R&D Imagineer with Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development.

4. Chewbacca and other familiar faces will join you onboard.

The towering Wookiee and other legacy characters make an appearance during the two-day immersive excursion, including Rey. And Trowbridge says there are other known characters that have yet to be revealed.

5. If things go wrong, you’ll come face-to-mask with the fearsome Kylo Ren.

Taking place between the events of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the cruise inhabits a pocket of time when the Resistance is still rebuilding itself to defend the galaxy against the First Order threat.

6. The story onboard the experience connects directly to events unfolding inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Trowbridge notes that participants will get a deeper understanding of the backstory of the coaxium heist at the heart of Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run and the heart-pounding evacuation of Batuu’s Resistance base in Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.


7. The Halcyon starcruiser will be helmed by Captain Riyola Keevan.

The experience introduces a bevy of new faces and droids, including the Resistance sympathizer who commands your cruise vessel, Captain Riyola Keevan. But you alone will get to choose your allegiance. “Because we’re spending two days, two nights with this story, living our Star Wars adventure on this voyage, it means that the story unfolds and we’re actually able to develop relationships, explore all of that depth [in] these characters,” says Thacher.

8. It’s a playful experience, so it’s okay to explore your dark side.

“I have to respectfully reject the framework of good and evil here,” says Trowbridge. “At the end of the day, though, this is an epic Star Wars-level story where major things, including lives, are at stake. We’re going to play that. We’re going to present that as part of this story.” That means even if you usually inhabit a pretty average, mild-mannered story in your daily life, here you can dabble in smuggling, or even join the First Order. No judgement.

9. Invitations to help Resistance, crew, and the First Order abound.

Among the areas that passengers can play along will be stories of Resistance, the underworld, the Force, the First Order, and the locals. “It’s a series of invitations to engage,” Trowbridge notes, “never an obligation. It’s like building the most epic Star Wars playset.”


10. The datapad available to add depth to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will continue to play a role in the Starcruiser experience.

“Are you going to help the First Order?” asks Anisha Deshmane, assistant producer, Walt Disney Imagineering. “Are you going to sell out Chewbacca?” The choice is yours.

11. Couching the experience in a starship cruise was the eureka moment.

Disney Imagineers began thinking about an immersive Star Wars experience as they were planning Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge six years ago, but it wasn’t immediately clear how they would meld the luxury of a themed Disney hotel with the playability of the Parks. When someone suggested they model the experience after the Disney Cruise Line, with a planned itinerary, experiences, excursions, and luxurious fine dining, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser snapped into focus.


12. The choices you make will impact your adventure.

With between 100-500 passengers onboard, the immersion calls for contained chaos and a sense of community as individuals live out their own stories making decisions that impact the experience as a whole. “It is this giant living ecosystem,” Johnson says. Only you can choose your destiny.

“And so there’s no world in which one person will see everything that happens on the ship at any one time,” she adds. “They’ll all eventually converge, but I think it’s a very satisfying conclusion.”

“Your choices matter. Your choices change what comes next for your story,” adds Thacher.

13. It’s Star Wars, so you can bet your credits that not everything is going to go according to plan.

The playability factor also means no two voyages will be alike. “You’re going to go on missions and depending on who you choose to meet or who you choose to help, you will actually see different stories in your scenes that will unfold differently,” Johnson says.

14. The journey is geared toward people of all ages and interest levels.

You don’t have to be a Star Wars expert to enjoy your stay, or plan ahead with a full cosplay ensemble. “There are levels and layers here. You can come in without knowing and without ever having heard of Star Wars and still have a great experience because everything you need is going to be inside this experience,” says Trowbridge. “And we really do mean all ages. We’re designing it for groups of friends, adults, kids, and multi-generational families who want to come and experience it together. Really, it’s all those different folks: people who are fans of Star Wars, people who are fans of Disney, people who want to try something new.”

“All you have to know is I’m going on vacation,” says Wendy Anderson, executive creative director for Disney Live Entertainment. That extends to the itinerary, with opportunities to be more of an observer to the story that unfolds or a participant who slices into a datapad or terminal and convinces a crew member to give them a special mission. But if you miss a story point while taking a nap in your cabin, there’s no replay. “Time passes on the Halcyon,” Johnson notes.


15. The chefs have scoured the Star Wars galaxy for the all-inclusive menu.

For a “taste around the galaxy,” a Mustafar-inspired bread service with nitrogen accents is among the culinary delicacies that have taken cues from Star Wars storytelling. There’s also a delightful blue bantha butter and more adventurous options like blue shrimp from the planet of Felucia that will arrive smoking, a complexity that’s a feast for the senses; diners smell the dish before tasting it.

Dishes appear vaguely familiar yet are nothing like you’ve experienced before — even inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. “This is the high end. This is the ultimate in Star Wars luxury,” says Trowbridge. “One of the things I love about how this team has approached this is the level of storytelling. [They] thought about what ingredients would be on board a space cruise ship. What is the fictional supply chain that leads to these dishes? I think that level of storytelling is just fantastic, that depth of immersion that we’re doing everywhere.”

16. One of the dishes comes alive.

You read that right. During a preview tasting, the garnish on a fish dish waved serenely from the plate. Chef John Prieto says the garnish is really a bonito flake, a dried fish delicacy he first encountered at a five-star restaurant on a visit to San Francisco, California. Another dish contained what appeared to be a baby octopus. Take a lesson from the Mandalorian — don’t play with your food.


17. There’s something on the menu for everyone.

For those with less adventurous palettes and dietary restrictions, there are vegetarian substitutions and the standard chicken fingers, or tip yip, and fries.

18. The Crown of Corellia Dining Room is named for the world of Corellia.

In-universe, the planet is known for its industrial shipyards and the birthplaces of the Halcyon starcruiser, as well as the famed Millennium Falcon.

19. The sleeping pods are bigger than they look.

Some rooms come equipped with built-in bunk beds that are actually large enough to comfortably sleep a six-foot-tall adult. And Mullins says the team invented an all-new mattress just for those capsules.


20. When you relax at the Sublight Lounge, you can grab a drink and play a game of sabacc.

More well-lit Crimson Dawn finery than dank Mos Eisley hive of scum and villainy, the lounge will include a brand-new menu of beverages including the Hoth Frost, the Mooja Twist, and other tasty delights. There’s also a working holotable for fans of sabacc. Just remember…no cheating.

21. If you need some air, the climate simulator has you covered.

If traveling through space has you feeling the need for fresh air, Johnson has just the thing. “This is the space that we have not talked a lot about. It’s really amazing technology from the Star Wars world,” she says with a wink. “We were able to exactly simulate the climate of the planet we’re visiting on your shore excursion. So in our case, that’s the planet of Batuu.” That means a courtyard with all the sunshine and humidity you can expect on the world, alongside plants collected from other planets where the Halcyon starcruiser has docked. “We’ve got a little garden out there and a simulated roof overhead that is even able to simulate the sky.”

22. A passenger excursion will be transported to an all-new entry point on Black Spire Outpost.

To maintain the illusion, visitors on the Galactic Starcruiser excursion won’t enter Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge through the main gates of the theme park. “There are locals at the planet,” Johnson says, “and we just ask that you respect their customs as we’re sure they will respect yours.” And creators say to expect some special surprises after touching down on Batuu.


23. An onboard boutique will help you dress for the occasion, from headtails to toes.

Although passengers are welcome to come decked out in full cosplay from the moment they step foot into the Launch Pod, a ship’s boutique, The Chandrila Collection, will feature a variety of pieces that can be augmented with professional makeup artists. “We’re really focused on transformation and role play,” says Brad Schoeneberg, vice president, Brand Merchandising. “You get to live out a story here. Who do you want to be? Where are you from? We come up with your backstory. Let’s have some fun together.” That includes Disney Parks’ first-ever official head pieces, including Twi’lek headtails and a Togruta’s montrals, a piece that made Ahsoka Tano voice actor Ashley Eckstein squeal with delight when she first saw them. The pair are among the most unique products the company has produced for consumers, Schoeneberg notes.

24. Designers went into the Skywalker Ranch archive to get inspiration from the queen of Star Wars fashion: Padmé Amidala.

One particular cloak, seen above, is the result of careful collaboration and research, examining the screen-used garment worn by Padmé on Tatooine in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and designed by Trisha Biggar. “We really took the color inspiration from the original, the pattern from the original,” says Tracie Alt, senior merchandiser.

25. There’s also a deep-cut nod to Bail Organa’s loyal aide, Sateen Vestswe.

While they were perusing the archive, designers also pulled in Sateen Vestswe’s ensemble from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, including a forest-green jacket and an arm piece that was created by making a 3D digital scan of the original prop, which can be seen below. “Those touches of authenticity are there throughout the entire assortment,” Alt adds. And there’s also Princess Leia Organa’s classic white gown, from Star Wars: A New Hope, for fans of the original trilogy.


26. You can change your appearance mid-trip.

Just like Finn, you can start out as a First Order stormtrooper and leave as a member of the Resistance. Or maybe peruse your personal cape closet to pay homage to style icon Lando Calrissian?

27. Beyond the screen-influenced pieces, designers took inspiration from the crew for apparel designs.

A pint-sized captain’s uniform — which doesn’t come in adult sizes (we asked) — a blue mechanic’s coveralls, and a tunic that resembles the gear worn by the lightsaber training staff will be for sale for younger passengers. For dinner with the captain, more formal attire indicative of galactic black tie can be purchased, including a sleek wrap dress with a cowl capable of special modifications and a crisp gray tunic with a greeblie accent on the lapel. And some more subtle nods and everyday options, in the form of a gray jacket and a black shirt inspired by Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story, will be available for a relaxed shore leave.


28. Show your allegiance by wearing the ship’s logo.

There’s also an exclusive line of jewelry bearing the Halcyon logo subtly woven into bracelets, necklaces, and earrings for a high-fashion celebration of the experience. “Just like a cruise line, we have a ship logo [merchandise] line that really celebrates not only our Chandrila Star Line, but also our Halcyon ship,” says Schoeneberg.


29. You can take a piece of the Halcyon starcruiser home…

The collection extends to home goods with wine glasses, coasters, a bottle stopper and other pieces to bring a touch of the Sublight Lounge’s ambience back home. Gold and silver accents give these unique pieces a touch of class, while the shapes are unmistakably Star Wars.


30. …or the ship itself!

For fans who look at the Halcyon starcruiser the way Han gazes at the Millennium Falcon, a scaled replica model of the ship can serve as a reminder of your journey.

31. The experience is undergoing months of test flights before taking off on its maiden voyage.

For the past four months, a select few have been brought aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser for play tests, abbreviated versions of the final experience that help Imagineers fine-tune how the new technology and recently-onboarded crew will interact with each new arrival of passengers.

“This is my favorite time,” says Thacher. “This moment of getting to see it come to life for the first time.” Trowbridge describes this as the final step in a composing a concerto. The piano’s been built and tuned, but the people behind the scenes are still figuring out the final piece.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 489
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar ashlack » Jeu 18 Nov 2021 - 9:02   Sujet: Re: [Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

CRL a écrit:Il y a des fans qui prennent des crédits pour leur(s) collection(s)... donc pourquoi pas un nouveau crédit pour cette expérience ? :neutre:

Quand dès le début de leurs études ils sont déjà (pour la plupart) endettés.... C'est pas du tout le même rapport à l'argent et au crédit, au final. :paf:

La différence c'est que pour la collection, tu obtiens des objets qui peuvent prendre de la valeur et les études tu peux avoir ensuite un job qui permet de rembourser. Je suis pas sur que les banques soient aussi enthousiastes à prêter de l'argent pour une expérience éphémère sans retour. Après bon c'est les States, on s'êtonne plus de rien, mais quand même. :transpire:

En tout cas à ce prix-là, ça a intérêt à être à la hauteur et pas se résumer à un décor et deux employés déguisés qui jouent mal leur rôle :paf:
(||§§§))))))))«([====MAY=THE=FORCE=BE=WITH=US====================== ashlack(arobse)
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