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[Galaxy's Edge] Le land Star Wars

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Messagepar shane1609 » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 12:58   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Je pense que le terme seconde zone est un peu exagéré. Ce qu'il se passe, c'est que Disneyland Paris a été bridé pendant quasiment 25 ans par son statut bancal de base. Avec sa gestion séparée des autres parcs, son problème de rentabilité au vu de la façon dont les européens consomment, la participation beaucoup plus importante de la France, etc.

Maintenant que les choses sont plus claires, que le parc est repassé plus ou moins dans les mains américaines, ça va nettement mieux et les investissements suivent avec :
- la réhabilitation complète de tout le parc Disneyland sur les dernières années.
- La rénovation de tous les hôtels qui est en cours et qui se terminera probablement en 2021 avant de passer plus que probablement à l'ouverture d'un nouvel hôtel à côté du Santa Fe.
- Et maintenant la rénovation du studios avec une bonne partie des 2 milliards alloués sur 5-6 ans.

Et je pense honnêtement que le Walt Disney Studios va devenir génial (même si moi je l'aime déjç beaucoup ^^) grâce à ça mais seulement en tant que tout et pas chaque zone séparément. Le problème c'est que l’extension globale est dingue quand elle est prise ensemble mais décevante quand on les prend séparément :
- La réhabilitation de Marvel est top, il va y avoir 1 nouvelle attraction, 1 rethématisation et 1 spectacle. à priori, la France sera le premier pays à accueillir ça. Le fait est que cela remplace ce qui est existant et que ce n'est donc pas des ajouts purs et durs.
- Le lac va apporter une ambiance et surtout un spectacle nocturne digne de ceux de Floride. Là j'ai rien à redire, c'est vraiment cool.
- Pour Frozen, Paris va avoir droit à un deuxième château ce qui est très rare dans les autres parcs. Mais la zone restera fort petite
- Enfin, Paris sera le premier a accueillir Star Wars en dehors des USA mais comme je l'explique dans l'article en version moindre.

Et donc le fait de vouloir faire tout ça avec la même enveloppe budgétaire fait que séparément, on a un sentiment de trop peu :neutre:
- Marvel : pourquoi supprimer ce qui existait déjà et qui fonctionne très bien (si ce n'est Armageddon un peu moins) et ne pas mettre Marvel ailleurs :neutre:
- Star Wars : pourquoi ne pas faire en un coup la zone entière comme aux USA :neutre:
- Frozen : pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour en faire un vrai land à part entière et pas juste une seule attraction qui en plus va probablement être là même qu'à Epcot ? :neutre:

Je pense qu'ici on assiste à un passage obligé, les USA veulent que le Walt Disney Studios soient plus rentable et atteigne des chiffres plus proche du parc principal (il est à l'heure actuellement moitié moins fréquenté) et pour cela, ils faut piocher dans tous les publics possible et le plus rapidement possible : les fans de Marvel, les fans de Star Wars et les fans de Disney. Car pour Frozen, c'est uniquement ça, il faut se rendre compte que ça n'a rien à faire dans le parcs studios ^^ C'est juste pour forcer les gens à venir 2 jours ou à prendre le ticket 2 parcs :D

La question pour moi est surtout de savoir ce qu'il se passera après 2026, est-ce que le parc va se consolider ou bien l'argent va-t-il passer dans un troisième parc ?
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Messagepar jedi-mich » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 13:11   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Bon ben les rencontres SWU se feront sur 2 jours :transpire:
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Messagepar shane1609 » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 13:17   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Et concernant GE aux USA : quelqu'un s'est amusé à prendre un photos tous les objets en vente dans la boutique de Dok Ondar : ... jrbXItbeec

Donc tout ça, c'est juste une seule boutique :lol:
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Messagepar Xendor » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 14:17   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Ton point de vue est très intéressant. C'est vrai que le passif est lourd. Il faut avouer que Disney communique très difficilement sur leurs chiffres en France (comme ailleurs). Surtout quand il s'agit des recettes et des dépenses.
Mais c'est à mettre en relation avec la gestion d'autres parcs autres que Disney, sachant que la rentabilité du parc français n'est pas forcément une nécessité s'il est considéré comme un pied-à-terre, un outil, un moyen, une présence pour d'autres retombées économiques indirectes.
On verra dans les années à venir comment les choses évoluent :neutre:

shane1609 a écrit:la boutique de Dok Ondar : ... jrbXItbeec
Hallucinant. Je note que Disney prend enfin le virage que Lucasfilm n'avait jamais pris : vendre des costumes et non des déguisements. Je ne peux pas dire, comme ça, sur photos, mais ça a l'air fidèle et "accurate". Déjà rien que ça, c'est fou :shock:
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Messagepar DarkNeo » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 15:50   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Xendor a écrit:Hallucinant. Je note que Disney prend enfin le virage que Lucasfilm n'avait jamais pris : vendre des costumes et non des déguisements. Je ne peux pas dire, comme ça, sur photos, mais ça a l'air fidèle et "accurate". Déjà rien que ça, c'est fou :shock:[/justify]

C'est clair !
Le costume de Leia est franchement très proche du film. Et les sabres avec les boîtes sont trop classes !
Sauce haricots verts ! Coiffeur officiel de Samantha Alleyne à GenSW 2024.
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Messagepar le-fyros » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 21:29   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Après la lecture des nouvelles informations pour DLP, voir la boutique de Dok Ondar fait seulement encore plus mal au coeur :D
J'espère qu'on aura la chance d'avoir un mix des différentes boutiques U.S en une seule grosse boutique style Emporium à l'entrée de DLP.
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Messagepar shane1609 » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 21:33   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

le-fyros a écrit:Après la lecture des nouvelles informations pour DLP, voir la boutique de Dok Ondar fait seulement encore plus mal au coeur :D
J'espère qu'on aura la chance d'avoir un mix des différentes boutiques U.S en une seule grosse boutique style Emporium à l'entrée de DLP.

Oui ce serait top. Après personnellement, j'espère surtout qu'elle sera décorée comme au US et aussi in-universe. Que ça se transforme pas en boutique comme Star Traders ou celle du Studio 1 :non:
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Messagepar Dark Stratis 23 » Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 21:58   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Bon ben c'est pas demain la veille que j'irais aux States donc bon, c'est mort :paf:

Et ma seule motivation pour aller un jour à Disney Paris (oui, je n'y suis jamais allé et non, je n'ai pas raté mon enfance :paf: ) vient de s'envoler.

Désormais, toutes les prochaines annonces, nouveautés ou autres concernat Galaxy's Edge ne me feront ni chaud ni froid. Merci Disney, tu me fais économiser pour une fois, c'est gentil !
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Messagepar Elivys » Mar 18 Juin 2019 - 22:14   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Ca ne sert à rien de comparer aux states. Ce n'est pas un Galaxy Edge Européen. En tout cas ce n'est plus annoncé tel quel (*) ... C'est annoncé comme une extension du parc Studio avec une partie Star Wars .. un peu comme la zone Ratatouille selon moi :neutre: Le gros de l'investissement c'est le lac qui va permettre des spectacles :love:
Pour le reste, oui les parcs français sont plus petits que les homologues US ... c'est pas demain que ça changera. J'ai mis du temps à m'y habituer mais au final ça a son charme :jap:

(*) l'erreur initiale a surement été d'utiliser le même concept art qu'aux states :neutre:
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 17:12   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Depuis l'annonce du développement du parc à thème Walt Disney Studios, le land Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge n'a en effet jamais été annoncé par qui que ce soit chez Disney (que ce soit Disneyland Paris, Disney Parks, Experiences and Consumer Products, Walt Disney Imagineering, The Walt Disney Company ou même Lucasfilm Ltd.) pour Disneyland Paris.

Il est fait mention depuis février 2018 de zone Star Wars, d'espace Star Wars et de Star Wars themed area, jamais Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge n'a été cité.

Il s'agit d'extrapolation de fans, ceux-là même qui refusaient de croire depuis février 2018 que la zone parisienne serait de taille plus réduite et ne comprendrait qu'une seule attraction jusqu'à récemment lorsque ces doucuments ont été rendus publique.

Aux dernières nouvelles, Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge ne sera pas dupliqué dans les autres resorts internationaux (qui pourraient par contre accueillir des zones thématiques de taille plus réduite).

Walt Disney Imagineering a déclaré en avril qu'ils suivraient de près ce que Lucasfilm va produire au cours de la prochaine décennie pour potentiellement s'en inspirer à l'avenir.

Il y a plusieurs années, Bob Iger et Tom Staggs (depuis remplacé par Bob Chapek) ont manifesté leur volonté de développer la franchise Star Wars dans l'ensemble des resorts Disney sauf à Disneyland Paris pour des raisons de financement (les autres actionnaires n'ayant pas la volonté ou n'ayant pas la capacité à suivre The Walt Disney Company dans un plan de financement de telle ampleur) mais la situation a changé depuis avec le rachat du resort européen par The Walt Disney Company, ce qui a permit de donner le feu vert à ce plan d'investissement en attente depuis plusieurs années (développé en parallèle au plan de rachat du resort).

Et au final, le resort parisien sera sans doute le premier hors des Etats-Unis à proposer une nouvelle zone Star Wars même si celle-ci ne sera pas identique ni aussi imposante qu'en Californie et en Floride - chose somme toute logique car le comportement des visiteurs européens n'est en rien comparable aux visiteurs américains en terme de dépenses (food & beverage, merchandising, services annexes etc...) et Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge est clairement axé sur ces revenus complémentaires avec ses cinq points de restaurantions et ses neuf boutiques !

De plus il semble plus judicieux de répartir l'investissement sur plusieurs éléments (Marvel, Star Wars, la Reine des Neiges, un lac et ses aménagements etc...) qui toucheront un public plus large et permettront de donner un nouvel élan au parc de par sa nouvelle superficie que de dépenser la moitié du budget disponible sur un land.

Oriental Land Company, propriétaire de Tokyo Disney Resort, prend entièrement à sa charge les investissements du resort japonais et a choisi pour le moment d'introduire de l'inédit dans ses deux parcs à thèmes (plan d'investissement 2014-2023).

Le gouvernement de Hong Kong, actionnaire majoritaire de Hong Kong Disneyland Resort prenant plus de 50% des investissements à sa charge, a fait le choix de favoriser plusieurs nouveautés visant un public plus large (trois attractions Marvel d'un côté, attraction Moana, land La Reine des Neiges et un nouveau Château abritant toutes les Princesses Disney de l'autre) réparties sur une demi-douzaine d'années (plan d'investissement 2018-2023).

Shanghai Shendi Group, actionnaire majoritaire de Shanghai Disney Resort et prenant plus de 50% des investissements à sa charge, doit encore communiquer en détail les projets à venir (après Toy Story Land qui a ouvert en avril de l'année dernière, seul un nouveau land Zootopie a été officiellement annoncé pour 2021) mais Star Wars ne semble pas être leur priorité.

Les fans asiatiques devront probablement attendre plus longtemps avant de pouvoir se balader dans une zone Star Wars que les fans européens, alors profitons de ce qui nous sera donner en Europe et cela ne nous empêche nullement de planifier un voyage aux Etats-Unis d'ici là :wink:

En attendant, voici un nouveau spot publicitaire pour Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge :

Modifié en dernier par V7-R1 le Jeu 20 Juin 2019 - 2:18, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar shane1609 » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 17:31   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Oui pour le nom Galaxy's Edge, c'est clairement une volonté de ma part de l'utiliser également pour Paris afin de faciliter la communication ^^ Car repartir sur star wars land me semblait contreproductif sachant que sur le concept Art, on voit clairement que c'est Batuu...

Espérons que ce soit clarifier dans les prochains mois :oui:

Mais je tiens quand même à souligner que le terme Galaxy's Edge pourrait également être utiliser à Paris, y a aucune raison que ce ne soit pas le cas. Au final, ça veut juste dire "aux confins de la galaxie" rien d'autre. Donc même un land plus petit pourrait s’appeler comme ça :oui:
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Messagepar Elivys » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 17:34   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

On verra la communication officielle. C'est juste que ca induit une comparaison qui fait que derrière les gens ne sont pas contents (comme d'hab tu vas me dire :lol: )
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Messagepar Xendor » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 18:02   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Moi je trouve ça naturel de comparer, même si ce n'est pas pertinent. Tout comme on compare deux boutiques/restos/boulangeries/etc de la même enseigne dans deux villes différentes (ou dans la même ville d'ailleurs) et ce n'est pas plus pertinent ; pourtant on l'a tous déjà fait :neutre:
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Messagepar jedi-mich » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 18:07   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

C'est plus petit, il y aura moins de choses mais ça m'empêchera pas d'y aller car il y bien peu de chances que j'aille aux States donc je me contenterai volontiers de Paris :)
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Messagepar Elivys » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 18:28   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

jedi-mich a écrit:C'est plus petit, il y aura moins de choses mais ça m'empêchera pas d'y aller car il y bien peu de chances que j'aille aux States donc je me contenterai volontiers de Paris :)

De toute façon l'important c'est de passer une bonne journée lors des sorties SWU :lol:
Pour le reste, même si j'ai envie de répondre, on tourne en rond tant qu'ils annoncent pas comment ils veulent appeler ça :)
Dans ma civilisation, celui qui diffère de moi, loin de me léser, m'enrichit.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Messagepar shane1609 » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 19:47   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Et qu'il y a un resto pour manger le midi surtout :lol:
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 19 Juin 2019 - 20:54   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Le site officiel Star Wars publie un article sur la conception et la création de Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge :

Bringing Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge to Life

Learn more about the new themed land with exclusive interviews with the design team discussing the project from concept art to creation

Lucasfilm creative executive Pablo Hidalgo got his first glimpse of Batuu, the planet inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort and opening August 29 at Walt Disney World Resort, through a concept art painting by longtime ILM artist Erik Tiemens. “I remember when it became real,” he says.

Tiemens had captured the delicate spires of Batuu along with recognizable faces of Star Wars aliens, like a Mon Calamari, and even some droids that hinted at Ralph McQuarrie’s original production paintings. The galaxy had long ago leaped from the page to the screen and now it was being transformed from imagination into something more tangible. Something real.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is an immersive new experience where fans can live out their own Star Wars story with a visit to the planet of Batuu on the Outer Rim. Through modern technology, characters only previously known through animation have been brought to life, and a regular mobile smartphone can transform into an in-universe datapad that can be used to hack some droids or consort with known rebel scum. “At the core of what we’re trying to accomplish is this theme that I think permeates all of Star Wars, which is that anyone can rise up and become the hero of the galaxy,” says Scott Trowbridge, portfolio creative executive from Walt Disney Imagineering. “Whether you’re a poor moisture farmer on some remote planet or you’re some scavenger girl living in obscurity…you can rise up to become a hero.”

‘Ground it in reality’

Building Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge was a feat of conceptual continuity and real-world engineering and artistry, a labor of love involving a team that expanded to about 4,000 artisans, engineers, designers, architects, and more working together to bring the land to life. But it all started with an artistic vision grounded in the world we know and Star Wars lore.

Greg Ashton, a concept architect with Walt Disney Imagineering, joined the project in 2014. “The Force Awakens hadn’t come out yet so we had a lot of questions about where the new trilogy was going to be headed and what our take on the Star Wars galaxy was going to be,” he says. “So it was very much a blank sheet of paper….We wanted to come up with something that we hadn’t seen before. We wanted something that was a new location that really told a different story.”

“It was really critical that we ground it in reality,” says Doug Chiang, Lucasfilm’s creative director. “So we did a lot of research….what is it that really informs the viewer that there’s layers and layers of history?”

Changing the scale of petrified Earth forests gave the towering spires a distinctly Star Wars feel without being unbelievably alien. Ironically, landing the life-sized Millennium Falcon — “In all its cinematic glory but in real life,” as Chiang puts it — as the land’s centerpiece was also an important step in ensuring Batuu felt like it existed in the galaxy far, far away. Seeing the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, a deeply important character throughout Star Wars, was a bit of childhood fulfilment for Chiang himself. “I could even smell it and it smelled great. Like oil and metal.”

More than just looking the part, designers were adamant that the land had to be a new Star Wars story that would star each visitor at the center of their own journey. “We all know Luke’s story and we know that we’re not in it,” says Trowbridge. “So we wanted to create a set of stories that allow you to become a character in it, not just a passive spectator.”

“It not only had to be a new world but it had to be a world where interesting things happened,” adds Hidalgo. “It couldn’t be so interesting that a visit would be fraught with danger and insurrection and rebellion and battles and all that kind of stuff. It had to be interesting in a sense of visiting an exotic world where you know enough about it, but you don’t know necessarily what’s around the corner.”

Designers took characters and creatures that had only been conceived in animation, like Hondo Ohnaka, and turned them into something more. “We’ve made real someone that’s only existed as artwork,” Hidalgo says, using cutting-edge Audio-Animatronics figure technology to replicate the smooth, life-like movements of the leathery Weequay pirate. “For those of us that live and breathe Star Wars, I think it’s really rewarding that we took that extra step to make Hondo [appear to be] a real person….I never would have expected seeing a living, breathing, furry pettable Loth-cat. And there it is. We have one.”

It was also important to fold in nods to earlier Disney/Star Wars collaborations, like the first Star Tours piloted by an unlucky droid. Now R-3X is back with a second career as a DJ in Oga’s Cantina. “He was never destined to become the galaxy’s best pilot. He might not ever be destined to be the galaxy’s best anything, but he does his best,” Hidalgo says.

Art imitates life

A team of artists hand-carved the namesake spires of Black Spire Outpost, evoking a sense of an ancient and enormous petrified forest to truly transport those stepping inside the themed-land, applying layers of paint to complete the aging and forced perspective effects. “We really dig into the subject matter and look for references whether it’s based on a story, a movie, you know, or a real place on Earth,” says Zsolt Hormay, creative executive of rockwork and themed finishes for Walt Disney Imagineering. “We really do a very thorough job to make sure that what we deliver to the guests are as believable and as correct as possible….Our job is to make sure that our guests really feel where they’re supposed to be.” And even once a design is set and construction begins, the process of sculpting the final layer and applying washes of paint is a proving ground for experimentation and study to achieve the right finish. “We’re trying to push the materials to the limit,” Hormay says. “We never really stop searching for new inspiration.”

To create the right surface and texture for an aged patina, painters layered sometimes a dozen different colors to give walls and other surfaces an authentically aged effect. “Instead of painting it one or two colors, sometimes we have 10 or 12 different layers on top of each other just to really feel that aged look, that weathered look,” he says.

“They think so deeply about how those rocks translate not only up close but as they start to recede,” Art Director Kirstin Makela adds. And the land has its own faux flora — a special kind of fake lichen that you can spot in corners and even some recipes. “The citizens of Batuu harvest it to use for dyes,” she says, so the color appears in fabric dyes and some local cuisine. To create the effect, creators researched Earth lichen, “so it feels like it’s aging and it feels like it’s natural but it doesn’t feel necessarily like something you would just see growing in your backyard.”

Exotic Earth

To build a new themed land that captured the feeling of a long-settled planet, the creative team studied real-life cities in Turkey and Morocco to draw inspiration and help them understand how the formerly walled cities would have grown, changed, and aged over the years. “Things in Star Wars tend to be a synthesis,” says Hidalgo. “There’s a lot of real-world inspiration when you look at the Star Wars saga.” But designers also visited the streets of Jedha, taking a trip to Pinewood Studios outside London to get a closer look at the set of Rogue One, an equally important source of inspiration.

Modern-day locals in real-life markets helped to influence the look of the Black Spire marketplace, while closer looks at the details of erosion on buildings made of stone and mud brick gave the art department a deeper understanding of the ways they might show similar wear and tear, plus burn marks from blaster fire, on Batuu.

“We knew that the architecture of Black Spire and the landscape of Batuu were completely intertwined,” says Ashton. “They developed in parallel and you see that. If you look at some of those old cities, those ancient cities like Istanbul and Marrakesh, they’ve developed over time. They’ve got these amazing markets and districts, but they have a unique sense of where they sit in geography.” A small garden cemetery beneath a gated archway in the middle of the city of Istanbul inspired the look of the outdoor seating area by Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo. They also found inspiration for the restaurant, the cantina, and other shops and experiences from an oil bath station to Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities from location scouts and existing Star Wars designs and shape language. “They all had to fit into districts that were distinct.”

The team was essentially reverse-engineering the galactic past, inventing an entire planet and ecosystem that could be made from Earth materials but feel authentically like fans had just walked not onto a movie set but into the Star Wars films themselves. “It was organic,” says Ashton. “As an environment designer, our job is to create an environment that tells a story. And all of the details you see need to make sense and tell that story.”

After all, on a film set, it’s all about the visual illusion, but it only has to stand up to suspension of disbelief and the magic of moviemaking, not to a tactile experience and millions of guests. “[On film] we can cheat things by making things out of plywood and foam,” Chiang says. “For a theme park, we can’t. It has to be absolutely real because the guest – when they walk through it they’ll be touching it, they’ll be smelling it, maybe they’ll be tasting food. And so everything about that experience can’t break that illusion. Designing for a theme park requires a higher level of fidelity than anything else I’ve ever experienced.”

Ancient history

The goal was to make sure newcomers felt the weight of Batuu’s history without being told. “The land does tell a story but it isn’t a spoken story,” Ashton says. “It needs to make sense if you’ve been a fan since 1977 or you’ve never experienced Star Wars at all.”

The scope of the project was ambitious. Conceptually, designers were adding a whole new planet to the Star Wars galaxy, from scratch. In reality, construction experts were toiling to erect the paired outposts on two separate plots of 14 acres each. “It’s kind of like building two small cities simultaneously,” Ashton says. “On both coasts.”

“We’re engaging all your senses at once,” Hidalgo says. The soundscape and hints of music had to work together with the special effects and landscape. For the first time ever, fans would be able to smell a Star Wars planet and taste its local cuisine, and every detail large and small — from the seating and interior design of the eateries to the food itself – had to feel authentic.

“Everything in Galaxy’s Edge is meant to be lingered upon,” Hidalgo says, so each detail “has that sense of history and backstory to it.”

Now that guests are taking their first steps into this larger Star Wars world. “I want them to be inspired to really just live their own adventures not only in our land but also in their real lives,” Makela says.

“Some of my favorite things are just the surprises, the little details,” adds Hidalgo. “I’m just a big fan of detail.” Hidalgo fell in love with the Star Wars saga as a kid hitting pause on his Betamax cassette and scouring every scene for hidden details. “We were able to pause, rewind, pause, rewind and soak in every detail on a given frame.

“Now, you are your own pause and rewind. Wherever you turn your head…you can really stop and pick apart every element and detail.” ... 2413721880

Et en complément, l'émission The Star Wars Show de cette semaine rencontrent les créateurs de Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge :

Jedi SWU
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Messagepar HanSolo » Lun 24 Juin 2019 - 7:16   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

-- Edit (Lun 24 Juin 2019 - 7:18) :

Dark Stratis 23 a écrit:
Et ma seule motivation pour aller un jour à Disney Paris (oui, je n'y suis jamais allé et non, je n'ai pas raté mon enfance :paf: ) vient de s'envoler.

Mais j'économise pour aller aux US :)
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Mer 03 Juil 2019 - 22:54   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Les premiers cast members de Walt Disney World Resort qui ont été sélectionnés pour travailler dans le land Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge viennent d'apprendre qu'ils partiront à la fin du mois d'août pour Batuu !

Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar shane1609 » Jeu 04 Juil 2019 - 7:33   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Les américains et leurs vidéos de réaction :D

Je me demande comment ils sont choisis, est-ce qu'ils ont postulés ou bien ils ont été choisis par leur team leader, etc ?

Sinon moi aussi, j'ai mes tickets pour Batuu, ce sera pour janvier :love: :love: :love:
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Messagepar Xendor » Jeu 04 Juil 2019 - 9:06   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

shane1609 a écrit:Les américains et leurs vidéos de réaction :D
C'est tellement ça... "oh my god !" c'est sûr que ça doit faire plaisir, mais il y en a pour qui c'est surjoué (comme souvent) et, surtout, ça reste un boulot :paf: faut pas exagérer.
Quand on m'a demandé d'aller bosser à un autre poste dans les différentes entreprises que j'ai traversé, j'ai jamais eu de médaille.
Ce serait marrant qu'ils fassent aussi une vidéo sur les conditions salariales des employés. En France ils se servent beaucoup des intermittents : pas besoin de rémunérer quelqu'un toute l'année, les intermittents ont fait des heures pour atteindre leur quota. Une pierre, deux coups.
La comm' moisie je te jure... :chut:
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Messagepar ashlack » Jeu 04 Juil 2019 - 9:29   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Américains ou pas, ça fait partie de leur job de cast members d'être enthousiastes, de bonne humour et tout et tout. Le gars qui fait Mickey toute la journée aussi doit se lasser mais il va jamais grogner quand le 1138e gamin s'approche pour une photo.
(||§§§))))))))«([====MAY=THE=FORCE=BE=WITH=US====================== ashlack(arobse)
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Messagepar Xendor » Jeu 04 Juil 2019 - 10:05   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

ashlack a écrit:ça fait partie de leur job
C'est exactement ce que je dis : ça fait partie de leur job.
C'est pourquoi cette vidéo est totalement inutile. Le projet serait tout pourri, les employés seraient également enthousiastes et ils auraient surjoué de la même façon. C'est une pub hypocrite, ce serait pareil avec de la lessive. On nous montre des gens qui vont bosser, je vois pas ce qu'il y a de transcendant :neutre: Comme si la notion d'individu était prioritaire (et comme si ça intéressait quelqu'un...).
Ce serait tellement plus à propos de nous montrer la création des décors et des costumes. On voit à peine le travail des gens.
A choisir, je préfère voir les coulisses et l'artisanat spécifique des parcs d'attractions que de voir un pseudo-recrutement complètement faux/fake. Question de goût (ou de curiosité).
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Messagepar HanSolo » Jeu 04 Juil 2019 - 12:47   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Xendor a écrit:.
Quand on m'a demandé d'aller bosser à un autre poste dans les différentes entreprises que j'ai traversé, j'ai jamais eu de médaille.
Ce serait marrant qu'ils fassent aussi une vidéo sur les conditions salariales des employés. En France ils se servent beaucoup des intermittents : pas besoin de rémunérer quelqu'un toute l'année, les intermittents ont fait des heures pour atteindre leur quota. Une pierre, deux coups.
La comm' moisie je te jure... :chut:

Cette vidéo n'a STRICTEMENT aucun intérêt ...
Je t'aime... Je sais!
Leia - Han
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 05 Juil 2019 - 2:18   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Les trois premières rencontres dans la série Women Behind the Magic :


Women Behind the Magic: Margaret Kerrison on Inspiration and Developing the Story of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Around the world, women are making magic for Disney guests and fans each and every day, in a variety of amazing ways. Today, to kick off our new #WomenBehindtheMagic blog series, we’re excited to introduce you to Margaret Kerrison, Managing Story Editor at Walt Disney Imagineering, and Story Lead for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort and opening on August 29 at Walt Disney World Resort.

To tell the new story of Black Spire Outpost and create a place where guests can live their own adventures, Margaret immersed herself in the Star Wars universe, watching films and animated series, researching books and more to understand what makes Star Wars, Star Wars. From props and characters throughout the land to unexpected details, Margaret has spent years creating the world that guests can explore at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

“What’s most important to me, as a storyteller, is how people feel when they walk into the land,” she says. “We want our guests to feel encouraged to explore and discover every corner of Black Spire Outpost.”

For Margaret, being a storyteller and a creator of immersive experiences was a dream from a very young age, when she first visited a Disney Park with her family. When she was just seven years old, Margaret’s family took a trip to Tokyo Disney Resort and she remembers the visit opening her mind to a world of imagination that inspired her to pursue storytelling.

Growing up, Margaret found all sorts of ways to tell stories and entertain, whether through the use of handmade finger puppets or casting family members in recorded skits at home. She was passionate about different places, people and cultures. Then, when she discovered themed entertainment in film school, she knew she wanted to make a career that involved immersive stories. “I remembered going to Haunted Mansion and being blown away by the storytelling and attention to detail,” she says of that early trip to Tokyo Disneyland. “I was scared, excited, curious and enthralled all at the same time.”

After working for years with museums, corporate branding and other types of themed entertainment, Margaret applied to a writing position at Walt Disney Imagineering without hesitation. “When it comes to immersive worlds, no other company does it better. I knew Imagineering was where I wanted to be.”

With a multicultural background – she was born in Indonesia, raised in Singapore, is Chinese in ethnicity and studied in American schools – Margaret says she doesn’t see the world through one type of lens, but instead considers how different kinds of people interpret stories as she works. She put her passion for learning about different people and places to work as she collaborated with the Lucasfilm Story Group to bring the planet Batuu to life, where galactic travelers may encounter Resistance fighters, First Order officers or local residents with their own perspectives and tales to tell.

“I heard a good quote recently, ‘We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.’ Imagine a world where all of us have the opportunity for meaningful relationships with people from different backgrounds. We can see everything through other people’s eyes and not only our own,” she says.

Having joined Walt Disney Imagineering in 2014, Margaret has developed stories and details for multiple projects, including the 2015 and 2017 D23 Expos, Hyperspace Mountain and Star Wars: Launch Bay at Disneyland Resort, Grand Avenue at Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World Resort, and of course, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Looking to the future, Margaret says that the best advice for aspiring storytellers and Imagineers is “to do one job well, but be open to jumping in and taking the reins for other tasks that come along. You never know where different roads will lead you,” she says.

“Don’t be afraid to speak up, take the lead and give your suggestions, but also don’t be afraid to say ‘no.’ It truly is a constant balancing act, but the day you can finally walk into a land, attraction, resort or experience that you’ve worked on and see the faces of our guests, it’s all worth it. That feeling is priceless.”

Check back next week for another installment in our #WomenBehindtheMagic series, as we tell the stories of remarkable women who played a role in the creation of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge!


Women Behind the Magic: Kirstin Makela Shares Her Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Story

As guests take in the breathtaking vista of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, they may discover a multitude of hidden gems and details like petrified trees and ancient dwellings, and they have Kirstin Makela, Art Director at Walt Disney Imagineering, to thank for that! In our next installment of our #WomenBehindtheMagic blog series, we’re excited to introduce you to Kirstin and her almost eight year Imagineering and decade-long design career that led up to her being an important force behind the magic of the new land.

For Kirstin, no two days on the job are the same. To help bring Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge to life, a typical day could mean meeting with interior designers, leading paint crews, or even consulting with the horticulture team to determine how to best incorporate natural elements into the land. With a land as innovative and detailed as Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort and opening August 29 at Walt Disney World Resort, she says it’s the diverse range of elements and challenges that keep the job exciting. A job that as a child, first piqued her interest because of the attention to detail that make Imagineering projects special.

“I was seven years old when my parents first took me to Walt Disney World and I was immediately enamored with the immersive storytelling that was around me,” explained Kirstin. “The love and care in every little detail had me hooked!”

In college, Kirstin went on to study visual communication with an emphasis on graphic design and illustration. She later participated in museum internships where she was able to grow her skillset on exhibit design teams.

“My internships were transformative,” Kirstin shared. “The ability to flex my muscles as a working designer gave me the confidence that I needed to apply to Disney Professional Internships before my graduation.”

She began her Disney journey as an intern with Disney Consumer Products before starting as an Imagineer and considers herself lucky to continue to work on inspiring projects that delight Disney Parks guests every day, just like Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

“A lot of my professional satisfaction as an Imagineer comes when I’m being pushed to new limits,” said Kirstin. “I have gained an invaluable amount of new knowledge from the exposure that I had to everyone from carvers and painters to engineers and electricians. I truly feel like I became a better Imagineer on Batuu!”

Kirstin and her team worked to perfect the stories of the Batuuans that had traveled through the historical space centuries ago. These very stories now mean guests can visit the Creature Stall or find a new trinket at Toydarian Toymaker.

“We thought about where citizens may have grazed against the walls and left hand oils, or where merchant carts may have bumped into walls and left scratches and dents,” Kirstin shared. “We even included soot stains out of the kilns and ovens, so that they appear to have been used for decades.”

For Kirstin, there’s no greater satisfaction as a designer than being able to see her ideas constructed and turned into a reality, like Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

“Sometimes, I’d take a moment to pause in the middle of our land, give my arm a little pinch and think to myself, ‘I can’t believe I get to be part of such a big moment in Disney Parks history,” Kirstin explained.

Kirstin finds excitement in pushing herself to keep climbing higher. With Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge now open at Disneyland Resort and soon to open at Walt Disney World Resort on August 29, she’ll be applying the experience and learnings she gained from working on the land as she tackles new projects and explore new stories.

Kirstin’s advice for aspiring Imagineers is to always stay curious, absorb every experience –no matter big or small, and to remember that as Imagineers you rely heavily on your personal stories for project inspiration, so remind yourself that you never know what past experience might spark inspiration.

Kirstin is one of the many women making magic for Disney guests and fans around the world, whose stories we can’t wait to tell in our #WomenBehindtheMagic series. Stay tuned for the next story in this series, as we share the stories of some of the amazing women who played a role in the creation of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge!


Women Behind the Magic: Kathryn Yancey on Bringing Fan-Favorite Characters to Life for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is a story-driven land, full of beloved characters that transcend boundaries and immerse you in an unforgettable experience. These characters might even be one of your favorite aspects of the new land! And all made possible thanks to amazing talents like Kathryn Yancey, Show Mechanical Engineer at Walt Disney Imagineering. Kathryn is one of the many women making magic for Disney guests and fans around the world, and we’re excited to share her Disney journey with you as we explore the crucial role she played for the land in this installment of our #WomenBehindtheMagic blog series!

Kathryn’s been a part of designing fan-favorite characters at our parks all over the world by leading 3D modeling, engineering calculations and analysis. With a career that has taken her on a high seas adventure with Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure at Shanghai Disney Resort, to the kingdom of Arendelle with Frozen Ever After at Walt Disney World Resort and most recently to a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, some might wonder how it all began.

Well like many, Kathryn recalls fond family visits to Disneyland Resort. Only for her, she was always enthralled by the small detailing of the park. From riding attractions and taking in the way bottles bobbed in the water, to admiring delicately designed rockwork, Kathryn set her dreams on becoming an Imagineer.

“It was those details that led me to Imagineering,” she says. “I loved the idea that someone put so much love and attention into the tiniest detail just to give the guests a fully immersive experience.”

At Seattle Pacific University, Kathryn aimed to combine her favorite things in a way that challenged her to grow. After a search engine query of “math + art + Disney,” she discovered Walt Disney Imagineering and pursued a major in mechanical engineering. As she explored machine design, system dynamics, and even anatomy, prosthetics and artistic motion, she gained hands-on experience with projects that helped her learn and expand her skill set. All this lead up to her first day at Imagineering, where Kathryn pinched herself to make sure it was real.

“It was my dream,” she shared. “When I was being shown around our animation shop, it felt like home.”

As part of the team who brought the pirate turned “legitimate” businessman Hondo Ohnaka to life at Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run, Kathryn says that it’s an amazing feeling to be able to bring iconic and beloved characters to life for Disney guests. Now, Kathryn contributes to the figure design of Walt Disney Imagineering’s A1000 series of Audio-Animatronics figures, a project she feels particularly proud of knowing how important these characters are to Disney fans. In fact, it was seeing her work in a park for the first time that made her realize she didn’t just enjoy her work – she loved it. Kathryn recalls the first time she stood outside of an attraction that featured her work. As guests marveled at the figure, all Kathryn could focus on was the huge smiles on their faces.

“That’s why I do what I do,” she says. “To bring happiness into the world by bringing people’s favorite characters to life.”

But bringing these beloved characters to life isn’t a simple task. It takes a team of Imagineers to make these special creations for guests, and Kathryn considers hers family. Often relying on her each other’s talents and passions, she learns from her fellow Imagineers locally in Glendale, Calif., and get the opportunity to learn from Imagineers all over the world as well.

“Working with diverse teams is so important because it teaches us to think outside our own boxes,” she says, noting that the work for a character might combine effort from Imagineers across the globe.

Throughout her experience, Kathryn has learned that having a great team around you is part of the key to success. Her advice for students looking to reach their goals is to never lose sight of your dreams and those around you.

“Keep going and your hard work will pay off, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help,” she says. “There are people in this world who want to help you along your journey and if you fall, they will be there to help you up.”

Looking ahead, Kathryn is excited for the future of Disney Parks and Walt Disney Imagineering. Whether it’s working on Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, or beyond, she says she’ll continue to learn something new every day from herself, her team, or the exciting project of the moment.

“It shows how we’re pushing the boundaries,” she says. “The combination of the incredible creative and technical minds at Imagineering continues to amaze me – and really, the sky is the limit!”

Guests can see Kathryn’s work, including Hondo Ohnaka at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort, and opening on August 29 at Walt Disney World Resort! Check back next week for another installment in our #WomenBehindtheMagic series. Whether writing stories for guests to uncover or designing the spaces they’ll explore, we can’t wait to continue to share more stories of these remarkable women who made the creation of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge possible!
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar PiccoloJr » Sam 06 Juil 2019 - 0:14   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Galaxy's Edge attirerait moins de monde que prévu. ... 621945001/
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Messagepar shane1609 » Sam 06 Juil 2019 - 9:18   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

PiccoloJr a écrit:Galaxy's Edge attirerait moins de monde que prévu. ... 621945001/

J'ai envie de dire tant mieux, les gens qui y sont en profites plus :D

Mais clairement l'article a raison, y a clairement 2 gros facteurs qui jouent : les gens qui avaient peur qu'il y ait trop de monde et surtout le fait qu'il n'y a qu'une attraction pour l'instant. Pour les gens qui viennent de loin, cela n'avait aucun sens d'aller à l'ouverture :neutre:
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Sam 06 Juil 2019 - 14:04   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

PiccoloJr a écrit:Galaxy's Edge attirerait moins de monde que prévu. ... 621945001/

Génial je pourrais peut-être rentrer dans une ou deux semaines alors :transpire:
Je parlerai de swu dans l'holocron le site deviendra canon
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
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Messagepar Elivys » Dim 07 Juil 2019 - 10:01   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Il est deja canon :D
Dans ma civilisation, celui qui diffère de moi, loin de me léser, m'enrichit.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Dim 07 Juil 2019 - 12:05   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Elivys a écrit:Il est deja canon :D

Ah génial :D swu est donc un journal dans la galaxie star Wars ?
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Jeu 11 Juil 2019 - 18:26   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

L'attraction Star Wars : Rise of the Resistance ouvrira le 5 décembre 2019 dans le parc Disney's Hollywood Studios de Walt Disney World Resort en Floride et le 17 janvier 2020 dans le parc Disneyland de Disneyland Resort en Californie.

Timing for Opening of Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Announced

We’ve got some exciting news to share today with the galaxy. We’re opening Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Dec. 5 at Walt Disney World Resort. If this date sounds familiar, many of our fans will recognize it as Walt Disney’s birthday. What better way to honor the ultimate storyteller than by introducing the most immersive and advanced attraction ever imagined in a Disney Park

When it opens, Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance will blur the lines between fantasy and reality and will put guests in the middle of a climactic battle between the First Order and the Resistance. Guests will be recruited to join Rey and General Organa at a secret base. Along the way, they will be captured by a First Order Star Destroyer. With the help of some heroes of the Resistance, they break out and must escape the Star Destroyer, protect the secret base, and stay one step ahead of Kylo Ren.

As soon as work is completed at Walt Disney World, Imagineers will head back to California to complete their mission at Disneyland Resort where Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance will open on Friday, Jan. 17.

Between now and then, we’ll have lots more to share about this immersive, multi-platform experience so keep checking the Disney Parks Blog for updates
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar shane1609 » Ven 12 Juil 2019 - 10:50   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

La news : ... ilees.html

C'est parfait pour moi, elle sera ouverte avant mon arrivée :love: :love: :love:

Ils ont dévoilés une affiche également :
Fichiers joints
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Sam 13 Juil 2019 - 1:00   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Quatrième rencontre dans la série Women Behind the Magic :


Women Behind the Magic: Kappy Thorsen Shares Her Journey From Family Business to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

When guests visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort, they can experience everything from out-of-this-world galactic treats to thrilling flights on the iconic Millennium Falcon, and even mingle with local Batuuan residents! These residents bring the land to life and selecting our cast members to fill those roles was a crucial element, one that was led by General Manager of Disneyland Park – Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Kappy Thorsen. We’re eager to share Kappy’s Disney journey and her work that helped bring the land to life in this installment of #WomenBehindtheMagic!

Kappy leads cast members and teams across the Disneyland Resort to create exciting experiences for guests each and every day. One of her most recent experiences even took her to a galaxy far, far away as Kappy spent the last two years preparing for the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

But before she started helping create the planet Batuu, Kappy grew up working for her family at Roaring Camp Railroads, a historic tourist railroad in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Whether she was scooping ice cream, selling tickets, or helping to clean restrooms, she “did it all” and took great pride in being a part of the family business. In fact, it was working with her family’s business that first sparked her interest in theme park operations. Each year, Kappy and her family would make the more than six-hour drive to visit the Disneyland Resort – a place Kappy knew she always wanted to work ever since she was a child.

“Working for Disney has always been a dream of mine,” she shared. “My father was inspired by Disneyland – he was creative, artistic, and had an entrepreneurial spirit. I tried to emulate him from a very young age.”

Heavily influenced by her parents and love of art, design and business, Kappy earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from San Jose State University. Upon graduation, she planned on applying for Disneyland in one of these fields. However, her father unexpectedly passed away, and her mother took over the family business which instantly changed Kappy’s path.

“I put my Disney dream on hold to assist my family. I watched my mom become an influential female business leader in the community,” she reflected.

More than a decade later, Kappy returned to pursuing her Disney dream. She applied for and accepted her first role at Disneyland park as the assistant manager responsible for the iconic steam trains. As she began this role Kappy was inspired by her mother’s leadership, something she continues to be motivated by today.

“I often refer to my mom as my ‘hero’ because of her great courage, outstanding business achievements and character,” she says. “I would not be where I am today without her as my role model.”

In her 20 year Disney career, Kappy has had various opportunities to advance her career across the resort, including attractions, guest relations, main entrance, transportation and parking, line of business, food and beverage, custodial and retail.

“Each role taught me something new and challenged me in different ways, which prepared me for today. Every day is an adventure,” she shared.

One of her biggest adventures to date was her role in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. A lot of coordination, preparation and partnerships were required to open a land of this scale. Preparing leaders and cast members for their new roles as citizens of Batuu was a monumental undertaking for the operations team and countless partners, of which she is very proud. Her days preparing for the opening of the land were often varied with different responsibilities. Regardless of the projects, one element always remained the same, interacting with cast members – the most rewarding part of her day.

“Our cast’s dedication, passion and love of the Disney brand and Star Wars franchise is contagious,” she says. “They put everything into creating magic for our guests, which is amazing to watch! When visiting Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, guests can interact with cast members in a whole new way – learn their stories, explore and play throughout the land like never before.”

For Kappy seeing our cast members fully immersed in the story, interacting with the guests, was quite a memorable moment.

“It was an emotional experience on many levels,” she explained. “My team and I helped bring Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge to life for our guests. A dream job come true.”

Kappy is one of the many women making magic for Disney guests and fans around the world. Guests can meet the citizens of Batuu when they visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge now open at Disneyland Resort. Stay tuned for next week’s installment in our #WomenBehindtheMagic series as we share more stories of the amazing women who helped make Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge a reality!
Jedi SWU
Messages: 477
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar V7-R1 » Dim 14 Juil 2019 - 14:05   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Un guide pour préparer votre future visite de Batuu écrit par Cole Horton sortira à l'automne (novembre 2019) sous un des labels de l'éditeur britannique The Quarto Group :

Star Wars Galaxy's Edge : Traveler's Guide to Batuu

Welcome to Batuu, a trading post at the edge of the galaxy where smugglers, bounty hunters, and rogue adventurers swap stories, food, and goods. Like any good tourist, you're going to need a guide book to lead you through your visit. Here is your official guide.

In 2019, Disney opened a new Star Wars addition to their parks: The planet Batuu. Star Wars fans now have access to an authentic, in-world experience unlike anything they have ever seen before! This official guide to Batuu is written completely in-world, as if you are a visitor from another part of the galaxy, looking for recommendations on where to eat, sleep, and what to do during your trip to this planet. The guide also provides itineraries and descriptions of weekend trips "Beyond Batuu"; getaways to nearby planets and environs.

The guide features :

- Full-color illustrations and maps

- Original content from Lucasfilm

- An in-world experience like no other

Whether strolling in The Galaxy's Edge 15-acre park or simply being an armchair traveler, this immersive guide will delight any Star Wars fan.
Jedi SWU
Messages: 477
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar kylokenobi » Dim 14 Juil 2019 - 16:48   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

J'ai vu l'affiche de Galaxy edge en entrant dans los Angeles sur l'autoroute :love:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar V7-R1 » Lun 15 Juil 2019 - 20:42   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Article du magazine économique Forbes :

Spoiler: Afficher
The Secrets Of The World’s Most Instagrammable Theme Park

In March media giant Disney enchanted investors and fans when it announced that its long-awaited theme park lands based on sci-fi movie series Star Wars would open months earlier than expected. It took much more than the wave of a magic wand to pull it off as Christian Sylt and Caroline Reid report.

With the grand title of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the lands, which are located at Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida, have a suitably blockbuster scale. At 14 acres they are Disney’s biggest-ever single-themed land expansions and, according to a report by USA Today, each is estimated to have cost around $1 billion.

The two lands have been in development since 2014 and were expected to open in fall with two cutting-edge rides. However, in March Disney’s chief executive Bob Iger announced that “in light of the tremendous demand, we’re going to let guests explore both lands a bit earlier than originally planned. I am happy to announce that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is going to open up in Disneyland on May 31st and in Disney World on August 29th.”

The tighter deadlines meant that only one of the two rides would be ready in time for the premieres of the new lands. However there was no danger of this bringing dark clouds to Disney’s fantasy worlds because Galaxy’s Edge has a magic touch which ensured that it would be a star attraction no matter what.

Speaking at the land’s glitzy opening in California in May, Iger revealed how high he set the standards for Galaxy’s Edge “Don’t be ambitious. Be the most ambitious you've ever been,” is the instruction he gave to Disney’s Imagineers, the wizards who design its theme parks. It only takes a few minutes in the new land to see that they granted Iger his wish.

Disneyland is famous for its bold colours and cartoon-like structures. The pink cylindrical spires of Sleeping Beauty castle, the exaggerated elephants in the Dumbo The Flying Elephant ride and the sloping white roof of the Space Mountain roller coaster all spring to mind. In comparison, Galaxy’s Edge is a whole new world.

Under the leadership of Bob Chapek, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products Chairman, the company is focused on finding the perfect mix of classic and new guest experiences.

“Walt Disney famously said that ‘Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.’ With Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, we’re honoring Walt’s vision for his parks, and giving guests a whole new world of Disney magic,” says Chapek.

When Star Wars was released in 1977 its realism captured the imagination of movie-goers. Up to then, sci-fi films tended to have a sterile appearance with spotless floors, strip lighting and gaudily-colored costumes. Star Wars was a game-changer as its worlds looked lived in.

Dusty boxes sat in the corners of rooms on the spaceships, wires hung out of the walls inside houses and the futuristic vehicles were battered and rusty. Galaxy’s Edge uses every trick in Disney’s spell book to bring that atmosphere into the real world.

Many theme park attractions boast about having attention to detail in all directions but fail to live up to it. At Galaxy’s Edge it’s no exaggeration. Before you even get into the land there’s a taste of things to come as alien-like screeches and growls echo through the entrance tunnel. Next you realize that droid tracks are embedded in the sand-colored floor. Up ahead is a mud hut which is clearly meant to be a house in a space-age colony as there’s an entry pad next to the metallic door. Windchimes hang outside and a futuristic broom is even standing in a bucket.

Look up and you see the tips of soaring rocky spires that look like they stretch far into the horizon. It’s actually design trickery where the spires get smaller and paler in the distance to make it seem like they are further away than they actually are.

Then comes the grand reveal as you round a corner and see the base of the rocky spires which has a hangar carved into it with a full-size version of the Millennium Falcon sitting out front. It’s actually the entrance to a high-tech simulator which puts guests at the controls of the iconic Star Wars spaceship but there isn’t a sign for the ride hanging outside.

Galaxy’s Edge is meant to be an actual Star Wars world and Disney takes this objective very seriously. It hasn’t just named the world Batuu but has also devised detailed background about it being a port at the edge of the galaxy (hence the name of the land).

The ride doesn’t have a sign because on Batuu it’s actually a hangar, not a theme park attraction. Likewise, the signs for the shops and restaurants are all in the Star Wars alphabet of Aurebesh, not English.

As we have reported, even the Coca-Cola bottles have logos in Aurebesh and are spherical with an angular cap on the top making them look like mini versions of loveable droid BB-8. You’ll soon find yourself trying to rub off the scuff marks on the bottles only find that they are permanent.

In-keeping with the ethos of the Star Wars saga, everything in Galaxy's Edge looks a little beat up giving the impression that it has been around for a while. It couldn’t feel further from the bright colours and roller coasters in the rest of Disneyland.

There are cracks around the doors which silently glide open like in the films. Burned-out droids, chipped statues and crates of helmets stand in the corners of plazas whilst torn garlands are draped above. They are covered with burn-marks giving a hint of the laser battles from days gone by that are meant to have taken place there.

Mock boilers have soot-stained walls above them and even the restrooms have artificially rusty pipes and dirty lights. No stone has been left unturned. The craggy rockface isn’t just weathered but covered with dried out plants and has rubble below which is meant to have rolled down over time.

The centrepiece of one of the food and beverage outlets is an elaborate display of a droid turning a spit with an alien creature on it which is being roasted by the engine from a podracer. Smoke billows out of it and grease has even been painted on the railings. All that’s missing is intense heat because the meat is actually cooked in a kitchen behind the scenes.

Mobiles made from bits of space junk hang from the ceilings in shops which are tucked into alcoves in a souk. You won’t find the famous plastic Star Wars figures inside. Instead, there are cute dolls of classic characters which look like they have been hand-crafted by local artisans for their alien offspring. The toys aren’t Star Wars-branded and you won’t hear the classic theme tube belting out in this ultra-real land.

“It seemed so crazy in the beginning to say that we are going to have hundreds of new products in nine or ten unique spaces and nowhere are we going to use the word ‘Star Wars’ on products,” says Brad Schoenberg, director of merchandise, strategy and new parks experience development. “But when you are living in a Star Wars space it’s the one thing you don’t need and actually a visit to the set was a great reminder.”

Schoenberg explains that the one thing the characters in the film “are not aware of is that they are in a Star Wars movie so we have really held that story true...‘Star Wars’ are two of the words you will not see.” However, Galaxy’s Edge is packed with so many hints to the films that it’s like a shrine to the sci-fi series.

The one-eyed alien from the trash compactor in the first movie emerges from a water fountain and a cabinet in a shop is home to a mini version of the tentacled monster that eats big baddie Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi.

The buildings all have a familiar Star Wars look. There are huge circular turrets with space ships on top, bases hidden in the forest and towering arches. They are all replete with antennas, pipes and vents on the sides. However, they aren’t copied from one location in a Star Wars movie and there is good reason for this.

“One of the things that we decided very early on was to build a new place. A place that was not a memory of somebody else’s Star Wars story. It’s not a place that we had visited in one of the early films. We know those places. We know the stories that happened there. We know the characters’ experiences there and we know that we are not part of those stories,” says Scott Trowbridge, portfolio creative executive and studio leader at Walt Disney Imagineering. “This is a place that is purposely-built so that you can live your own Star Wars story and become an active participant in the world of Star Wars.”

It explains why the land has the kind of detail you would usually find on a movie set. In this case the guests are the actors and they are writing their own script. “It wasn’t about specifically living out someone else’s journey but really the land itself serving as the backdrop for your own personal story,” says Carrie Beck, vice president of the Story Group at Lucasfilm, the Disney-owned company which created Star Wars.

“Having this new place allows this sense of discovery and you really get to find out more about things you may not have known about previously no matter how much of a Star Wars fan you might be.” That’s not all.

Being a completely new location means that guests don’t need to be experts in certain films in order to enjoy the experience. It also allows Disney to incorporate future Star Wars characters and storylines into the land without worrying about continuity conflicts.

“It is a place that we can continue to update and refresh as our relationship with Star Wars and the characters progresses,” says Trowbridge. “Right now we are all very invested in a certain set of characters and a certain storyline which is this Skywalker saga, that has been part of our lives for so long. But we may make other choices down the road about other destinations and other characters to have relationships with.” They may not be far far away.

In March Oscar Isaac, who plays Star Wars pilot Poe Dameron, confirmed that The Rise of Skywalker, which will be released in December, will bring an end to the 42-year Skywalker storyline. “It is the end of the entire Skywalker saga. Nine stories. This is the culmination of the thing,” Isaac said on The Today Show.

Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012 and, as we revealed last year, it has made back at least a quarter of the purchase price from the profits of the Star Wars movies it has made since then. More movies are coming from Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss as well as a new live-action series called The Mandalorian, which will air on the upcoming Disney+ streaming service. Theme parks are crucial to driving the franchise forward.

New rides draw in guests and promote the movies that they are based on. At the same time, the merchandise and DVDs of the movies on sale outside the parks attract guests to the parks and the cycle begins again. “We see that the sooner you can get intellectual property to move from screen to a physical environment, the sooner you reap the rewards and the larger those rewards may be,” says Brian Sands, vice president at themed entertainment consultancy AECOM.

It reflects the trend in the percentage of Disney’s operating income from parks and resorts. As shown in the graph below, it increased from 21.3% in 2009 to 28.5% a decade later when it hit $4.5 billion. In contrast, the percentage of Disney’s operating income that comes from its media networks, including ESPN and ABC, fell from 71.4% to 42.2% over that period, reportedly due to cord-cutting and rising programming costs.

It explains why Disney is investing heavily in theme park attractions based on its film franchises. Last year Disney World opened a Toy Story Land following the launch of one in 2017 themed to space adventure Avatar. Next up are homes for super heroes like Spider-Man and the Avengers at Disney California Adventure, Disneyland Paris’ Walt Disney Studios park and Hong Kong Disneyland as well as a Zootopia-themed land at Shanghai Disneyland.

More is coming to Disney World as well including an innovative ride based on computer animated Oscar-winner Ratatouille and roller coasters themed to sci-fi movies Tron and Guardians of the Galaxy. They have a high yardstick to reach.

Galaxy’s Edge takes synergy to a new level as Disney has released a comic series based on Batuu and one of the animatronic aliens created for the land was referenced in last year’s movie Solo: A Star Wars Story. To ensure Galaxy’s Edge fits into this universe, Disney Imagineers consulted the same research sources that were used during the development of the Star Wars movies.

They visited the private archives of Lucasfilm’s founder George Lucas in California to study original Star Wars concept artwork created by Ralph McQuarrie, the artist who helped shape the look of the movies. They also went on research trips to Turkey and Morocco which is near to Tunisia where a large part of the first Star Wars movie was filmed. The Imagineers even took rubbings from the feet of the R2-D2 droid used in the movies and used them to create the tracks embedded in the paths on Batuu.

“The trick to designing Star Wars is that 80% or 90% of it is real and the 10% or 15% is the freshness that takes people into the Star Wars universe,” says Doug Chiang, vice president and executive creative director at Lucasfilm. Chiang began working with Lucas on the movies in 1995 and says “you would think, OK, Star Wars, everything is invented. Everything is fresh. Let’s just start from nothing. And that’s actually the wrong way to go. You do have to start with something and we start with real locations.”

Chiang explains that the starting point for Galaxy's Edge was deciding “what is that distinct geological language that will define Batuu and we found it in the petrified forest in Arizona where we had these giant spires. And we thought ‘that is very distinct, how do we make it Star Wars?’ And the 10% or 15% is just change the scale. Make it dramatic. Make it a world wide ecosystem and that gives you the Star Wars-ness yet grounds it.”

The Imagineers had to go a stage further which even the film-makers didn’t need to do. “Often when we are designing movie sets or locations they are false obviously because that is movie-making. It’s kind of make-believe. You are actually experiencing that from a very specific point of view of the director. Here, the point of view is you,” says Chiang. “You can look round the corner, you can look underneath the table, you can see where the wires connect and it all makes sense.” It has a magic touch.

According to the 2018 Global Theme and Amusement Park Outlook report from the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), “an emerging trend is the growing preference among consumers to spend on experiences rather than products. This is evident in the cinema and live music markets, where people are willing to spend more for out-of-home experiences...This same trend is believed to also be contributing to ongoing growth for theme parks, which market their unique experiences.”

The trend, which is known as the experience economy, is reflected in the results of a consumer survey from management consultancy McKinsey. It showed that between 2014 and 2016 personal-consumption expenditures (PCE) on experience-related services - such as visiting theme parks and traveling - have grown more than 1.5 times faster than overall personal-consumption spending and nearly 4 times faster than expenditures on goods.

The survey found that social media appears to have helped accelerate the growing demand for experiences as “Facebook and Instagram likes and creative snaps are now the ultimate social currency for millions of Americans, especially millennials, and the quest for likes requires a constant stream of new shareable content in the form of stories and pictures. Experiences play into this thirst for content because they are more likely to lead to such stories and pictures than the purchase of a new product would be.”

It adds that “keeping up with the Joneses used to be about wanting to own the same expensive products your friends or neighbors did. But with more consumers opting for experiences - whether that means seeing the musical Hamilton or visiting Hanoi - and sharing their stories and pictures online, people feel peer pressure to join in or keep up. This anxiety is so deeply embedded in the social fiber of millennials that they have given it a nickname: FOMO [Fear Of Missing Out]. The term was even added to the Oxford English Dictionary back in 2013.”

It has given a glow to the theme park industry as, unlike cinema and live music, it has no in-home equivalent. In summary, posting photos on social media from fairytale locations is becoming increasingly important for consumers, particularly millennials. The more exotic the location, the more guests it attracts and the more photos they post of it online. This then drives more traffic and the cycle begins again. It is driven by attention to detail.

As with a movie set, it is essential that theme parks don’t shatter the illusion of being in a fantasy land as it could prevent photos taken there from going viral. If Disney had put a hot dog stand or a phone booth on the alien landscape of Batuu if could have attracted criticism. Instead the landscape has become the star attraction and made Galaxy’s Edge the most ground-breaking theme park development since the doors to Disneyland itself swung open in 1955.

Never before has a landscape been as much of an attraction as the ride inside it. Galaxy’s Edge is more of a living museum than a theme park attraction and guests aren’t just passive explorers. Using the Play Disney Parks mobile app they can hack into most of the memorabilia there to make ship engines whirr and droids bleep. It also puts visitors in the thick of the action as virtual Star Wars characters text them with invitations to take on jobs throughout the land.

The app also allows guests to tap into Star Wars text conversations, translate Aurebesh and fight the evil First Order by solving digital puzzles to lock them out of local door pads. Guests don’t even need the force to battle the crowds as another app gives them a spot in a virtual line to get into the land if it reaches capacity at Disneyland.

In future, the immersive experience won’t even end when guests leave the park as Disney is building a full-service Star Wars-themed hotel near to its new land in Florida. Befitting the attention to detail of its neighbor, the hotel will reportedly have its own Star Wars characters and storylines as well as a starship design.

Purists may say that Star Wars doesn’t fit in Disneyland’s cartoony world of whimsy but actually it fulfils one of Walt Disney’s own objectives.

The amusement parks of Walt’s era had few rides that parents could enjoy with their children so he dreamed up Disneyland. Its cuddly characters and roller coasters have made it a mecca for kids since then but Galaxy’s Edge appeals just as much to adults. Testimony to this, in response to a video of the Millennium Falcon ride on social media, user Marc Wood commented that “theme parks are not normally my thing, but I would love to have a go on this.” That really is a happy ending.

-- Edit (Mar 16 Juil 2019 - 13:33) :


Building Batuu: Creating Otherworldly Topography for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

One of the incredible things about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge that visitors to the planet Batuu admire is the amazing landscape and rockwork throughout the land. When we set out to make a real place in the Star Wars galaxy with its own unique geography, we came up with a planet that thousands of years ago was covered by giant trees, many of them thousands of feet tall. Although it is not quite known what happened to these trees over the centuries, over time they became the petrified spires that dominate the landscape today. Black Spire Outpost even takes its name from one such spire, darker than all the rest and located in the center of the outpost.


It takes a talented team to create the more than 200,000 square feet of amazing artificial rockwork throughout the land. Zsolt Hormay is a creative executive at Walt Disney Imagineering with many years of design experience and oversees the teams that have built some of the amazing landmarks of Disney’s theme parks including Typhoon Lagoon, the Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the Cadillac Mountain Range of Cars Land and the otherworldly look of Pandora- The World of Avatar. Zsolt and his team of talented international artists brought their level of craftmanship and artistry to Batuu.


I asked Zsolt to answer a few questions about what it takes not only for his team to create this beautiful rockwork, but also about the themed finishes on the buildings in the land that give Black Spire Outpost and the rest of the planet their distinctive look.

You oversee the Themed Finishes studio. What does that include in addition to creating rockwork ?

The Themed Finishes Art Studio consists of four major disciplines including Rockwork, Character Façade, Character Paint and Hardscape. Also, starting on Pandora – The World of Avatar, we added exterior Artificial Foliage to the Studio as well.

What makes a themed finish believable ?

The goal is to have our guests NOT question the finishes but accept them as real for what they are in the context of the storyline. All the tricks that we have developed over the years to fool the eye – the layering of textures and paint techniques, aging, adding moss and lichens, using translucent materials to make the black spires look like gigantic pieces of obsidian, paying extra attention to the hardscape materials to support the narrative, just to mention a few – if the guests don’t question the finishes at all, then we are successful!

For the rockwork creation (more than 200,000 square feet of rockwork), how big was your team and how long were you all working on this ?

Between the two coasts we had about 110 people working on the finishes including field art directors and artisans. I personally have been working on Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in both California and Florida since the very first 1:100 inch scale model was produced about five years ago. Most of my team joined the project about two years ago when the field installation began.


What were some of the inspirations for creating the rockwork ?

We wanted to make sure that we created a landscape that is undoubtedly Star Wars and does not remind our guests of any other land that was created previously. We knew that we had to have some vertical elements as a unique description of the landscape, thus we ended up with the idea of an ancient petrified forest. The challenge was to avoid repetition between each spire but still having them look like they belong to the same forest.

What are the steps in creating rockwork (from the model to the finished paint on the rockwork) ?

We start the dimensional design process on a small-scale (1:100 inch) model to define the layout of the land. Once that is agreed upon, we further develop the design on the next scale (1:50 inch) model that helps us to define further details and elements. The final steps of the design happen on the 1:25 inch scale model where we finalize the textures and color composition that help us to capture the final scope and the final creative intent including artificial foliage. Once the design is complete, we scan the model and create a digital mesh file that is used to drive a computer that bends the metal bars for the underlying structure.

Once we have all the challenging textures/finishes sampled, we start the full-scale installation of individual pieces (which acts almost like a 3D puzzle), then add the initial coat of cement, and ultimately our artisans hand sculpt the final cement and apply the finishing layers of paint.

How did you manage your team creating two sets of rockwork for two project sites simultaneously ?

Each site has its own unique differences that required variations in the approach – the quality of the sky and clouds, North-facing versus South-facing, how the sun travels across the landscape, etc. But we need them to tell the same story. So it was a lot of flying back and forth and a rigorous line of communication between the field art directors on the different coasts. And it was very important to regularly have the same set of eyes on both coasts to help maintain the overall creative intent.

What are you most proud of for the finished rockwork in the land ?

I think that the fact that we could once again raise the bar in terms of the quality of the sculpting and character paint is not a small feat given all the amazing projects we had done in the past. But first and foremost, I am most proud of the incredible international team that created them!

I also want to share with you a video highlighting a few of the many phases of creating the rockwork not only for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, but also for some of the many other projects that Zsolt and his talented team have created for Disney’s theme parks around the world.

Edit Staff : comme c'est un gros article, j'ai mis en spoiler pour pas à avoir à scroller pendant des plombes pour aller vers le bas :wink:
Jedi SWU
Messages: 477
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar V7-R1 » Ven 19 Juil 2019 - 2:28   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Cinquième rencontre dans la série Women Behind the Magic :


Women Behind the Magic: Kristina Dewberry on Finding Her Passion in Construction and Building Star Wars : Galaxy’s Edge

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is an immersive experience that transports guests to the Outer Rim planet of Batuu. Building Batuu meant doing so from the ground up and was no easy task. But with more than 20 years of onsite construction management experience and an almost ten year Walt Disney Imagineering career, Kristina Dewberry, Construction Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland Resort, was a natural fit for the job! We’re thrilled to share her story and role as part of the construction team responsible for bringing the land to life in this week’s installment of #WomenBehindtheMagic!

In her role at Disneyland Resort, Kristina manages construction site logistics and ensures the operational safety and efficiency of sites. From working on guest favorite attractions like Matterhorn Bobsleds to building Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar, and also her most recent project Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, she helps build destinations that invoke magical experiences and memories.

Kristina’s journey began in a galaxy not so far away, as she grew up loving all things Star Wars from a young age. As a child, she recalls that girls were told that math and handiwork were for boys, but Kristina didn’t let that stop her when it came to her affinity for the historically male-dominated field of construction. Instead, she drew inspiration from iconic Princess Leia that she shouldn’t let anyone stop her from doing what she loved.

Growing up, Kristina spent a lot of time helping her dad with home projects and even had her own tool belt! In fact, it was an early family construction project of building a shed in their backyard that led her to fall in love with construction.

“My brother and I each got a tool belt, a pouch full of nails and a measuring tape. Dad taught us how to measure twice, cut once, Mom taught us the fine art of painting and my little sister brought us lemonade,” she shared. “Looking back, it was the tiniest little shed, but it lasted for years and it gave us a sense of pride that we all made it together.”

In her teenage years, she had the opportunity to take her skills outside of her own home and helped re-roof neighbors’ houses because she always loved building things that would enhance people’s lives.

From there, Kristina knew that she wanted to spend her time on job sites, and obtained several degrees in construction management including an associate’s degree from Cincinnati State Technical and a Bachelor of Science from Northern Kentucky University.

Now, she spends her days working on various Disney sites and enjoys that her role encourages her to be a problem solver and provides the opportunity to bring people together from different parts of a project, and even around the world. On any given day, Kristina leads tasks that can range from managing safety training protocol to handling construction material deliveries, and even coordinating the site removal of construction debris. But when it comes to what skills she finds helpful, Kristina says that keeping a drive and ambition are necessary to growing her own skillset and helps teams continue to challenge themselves.

“If you hear someone – or yourself – say ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it,’ you should take a step back,” she explains. “You shouldn’t be doing things the exact same way you did a year ago, but be taking in new technology and adding to your skillset.”

And of course, Kristina aims to always keep up a positive attitude and sense of humor. Construction sites can be stressful, but with the help of her “Boss Mode” music playlist, full of empowering and upbeat tunes, she strives to always find the fun in her work and encourages her team to follow suit.

“Keeping joy in your heart and moving forward with each new challenge is much easier when you have a twinkle in your eye,” she notes.

For a lifelong Star Wars fan like Kristina, keeping that joy wasn’t hard when going to work meant going to create the historic land that is Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

“To be asked to join the team creating this land really struck me as an epic adventure,” she says. “Walking through the land and watching the project grow from the first day to now being a finished land, ready for guests, is an incredible feeling.”

Being able to say “wow, look at what we’ve been able to create,” is awe-inspiring to her. As a woman in construction, Kristina wants other women to know that this career path is absolutely within their grasp.

“There is an important place for women in the construction industry that extends beyond simply swinging a hammer,” she says.

“A lot of women don’t even consider construction because they think it’s not within their reach,” she says, but notes that with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, she’s worked with more women than ever before. “It’s really enlightening to see that.”

Kristina’s favorite piece of wisdom she would impart on anyone who may be considering a career in construction is a motto she keeps on the wall in her own kitchen.

“It’ll cost nothing to dream, and everything not to,” she shares. “If you see anything in the construction field that you find interesting, you owe it to yourself to find out more. Find an ally, someone to help you get started on your search. Construction may not be for you – but it just might be the most rewarding work you’ll ever do.”

Guests can see Kristina’s work at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, now open at Disneyland Resort. And there is even more to look forward to with the upcoming opening on August 29 at Walt Disney World Resort! Stay tuned as we look forward to sharing more stories of the amazing #WomenBehindtheMagic with you over the coming months!

-- Edit (Ven 19 Juil 2019 - 2:35) :

A Disneyland, l'attraction Millennium Falcon : Smugglers Run a vu passer en début de semaine son millionième "membre d'équipage" aux commandes du Faucon Millenium depuis son ouverture fin mai :

Jedi SWU
Messages: 477
Enregistré le: 18 Déc 2016

Messagepar kylokenobi » Ven 19 Juil 2019 - 2:38   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Quelqu'un aurait un plan du Disney Anaheim ? Je sais pas où aller :transpire:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 16 Avr 2016
Localisation: Los Angeles

Messagepar shane1609 » Ven 19 Juil 2019 - 12:32   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

kylokenobi a écrit:Quelqu'un aurait un plan du Disney Anaheim ? Je sais pas où aller :transpire:

Tu veux un plan du parc ? Check le site officiel ou alors tu en prends un à l'entrée en arrivant :hello:

Te trompe pas de parc par contre, c'est bien dans le Disneyland Park et non dans Disney California adventure :transpire:
Staffeur collection, news Disneyland et Rencontres SWU 8)
Ancien staffeur
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Sam 20 Juil 2019 - 4:16   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

shane1609 a écrit:
kylokenobi a écrit:Quelqu'un aurait un plan du Disney Anaheim ? Je sais pas où aller :transpire:

Tu veux un plan du parc ? Check le site officiel ou alors tu en prends un à l'entrée en arrivant :hello:

Te trompe pas de parc par contre, c'est bien dans le Disneyland Park et non dans Disney California adventure :transpire:

Ah merci :transpire: je m'imagine bien être demain dans le mauvais parc en train de me prendre pour un stormtrooper :paf:

-- Edit (Sam 20 Juil 2019 - 19:57) :

1h 30 d'attente pour piloter le faucon :transpire:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messages: 1514
Enregistré le: 16 Avr 2016
Localisation: Los Angeles

Messagepar kylokenobi » Dim 21 Juil 2019 - 20:47   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Visite a Galaxy edge terminée hier je suis en train de préparer un avis détaillé sur le parc afin d'avoir un point de vue swu :oui:
En résumé c'était vraiment mon meilleur moment dans un parc d'attraction, l'immersion star Wars est réussie et en résumé c'est le sens du détail qui m'a le plus marqué.
J'ai fait journée entière dans le parc j'ai essayé 2 fois l'attraction du Falcon et j'ai parlé à un peu tout le monde.
Ducoup je posterai un avis détaillé vu que y'a pas mal de points importants et pratiques à souligner.
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages: 1514
Enregistré le: 16 Avr 2016
Localisation: Los Angeles

Messagepar kylokenobi » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 4:45   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Salut :hello: on va donc parler de Galaxy edge (celui de Anaheim ) qui a ouvert y'a un mois et que j'ai eu la chance de visiter. Bon déjà j'ai un peu sous estimé les américains au niveau du réveil étant donné que je suis arrivé à 9h au parc et que j'ai pu y rentrer à 11h. J'ai passé ensuite toute la journée dans la zone star Wars jusqu'à 21h feu d'artifice autre part etc...

Au mois de juillet le prix d'entrée est bien de 150$ pour tous les adultes avec accès au parc. Je conseille d'ailleurs de prendre les billets sur internet et d'aller a pied au parc pour éviter 2 files d'attente monstrueuses (surtout quand tu crois que y'a qu'une personne devant toi mais qu'il laisse passer toute sa famille :pfff: :paf: )
(L'analyse fut rude a réaliser car écrite par téléphone)

Je vais donc classer mon analyse sur 5 points différents :
- L'attraction
- Les magazins
- Les restaurants
- L'ambiance star Wars
- Les décors


De base je pensait qu'une seule attraction était un peu pauvre pour la zone Star Wars mais elle suffît vraiment au parc tellement le faucon Millenium est magnifique.
C'est sûrement la plus belle chose du parc et l'attraction en elle même est géniale. Détail surprenant le temps d'attente est yper bien géré même si les files Indiennes sont délimitées par de simples tracés au sol (ce qui te donne envie de tricher ).

Le meilleur c'est que tu peux admirer plusieurs décors pendant l'attente de l'attraction ce qui te fait tout de même profiter du parc.
L'attraction n'est pas dans le faucon que tu vois en entrant mais dans une reconstitution du décor intérieur à côté et c'est par équipe de 6 avec deux pilotes 2 ingénieurs et 2 gunners.
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Perso je l'ai fait 2 fois (une tôt le matin en arrivant et une tard le soir) j'ai pas eu trop de temps d'attente (évitez les autres horaires c'est bondé de monde). J'ai été gunner et pilot et même si c'est très linéaire tu peux tourner de gauche a droite et faire 2-3 trucs. Tu dois généralement comprendre ce que te dit Hondo et en tant que gunner tu a juste a tirer en espérant que le pilote gère :transpire:

En soit l'attraction vaut le coup même si il faut batailler pour prendre 2-3 photos dans la cabine faucon a la fin vu que le gars du staff te vire. Mais sinon attraction parfaite pour moi en tout cas.

Les magasins
Les magasins sont vraiment bien aussi mais comportent un gros bémol au niveau du prix, même si il est compréhensible il reste très élevé. Le magasin des antiquités et celui du premier ordre sont pour moi les meilleurs au niveau des produits même si la seule chose que je voulais acheter ( le collier d'anakin) est en rupture de stock.
Les détails dans les magasins sont vraiment incroyables surtout dans celui vers droides et des antiquités. Faut juste faire gaffe que le prix ne comprend pas les taxes (autant pour un porte clé d'IG-88 à 10$ c'est ok autant pour R2D2 à 25 000 $ c'est 2500$ de taxes si je compte bien )

Les restaurants
Difficile de noter vu que j'ai mangé a un des restaurants qui faisait des plats plutôts bien. Encore une fois faut y aller juste avant midi pour être vite servi et faut bien comprendre l'anglais pour savoir que certains plats sont que pour le soir et d'autres que pour le midi. Le nom des plats est stylé on avait une salade de feluicia par exemple :love: . Après concernant le coca à 6$ c'est du jamais vu mais ça reste en souvenir :lol: C'est juste un peu dommage de ne pas être entré a la cantina ( on m'a dit que ça coûtait 30$ donc bon )

L'ambiance est sûrement ce qu'il y'a de mieux dans le parc. Déjà il y'a 2 stormtroopers qui patrouillent le parc et qui te parlent si ils ont envies ( j'ai réussi a prendre une photo avec un d'eux)
A un moment il va y avoir un mini show et Kylo Ren et 2 autres stormtroopers vont rejoindre le parc mais pas pour très longtemps faudra être réactif et aller les voir. Le souci c'est que les stormtroopers tournent autour de Kylo Ren et t'empêche de l'approcher pour prendre une photo. Heureusement pour moi Kylo Ren m'a appelé ( ducoup le Trooper t'emmene devant lui ) et Kylo m'a juste dit qu'il allait détruire la résistance :transpire:
Rey et Chewbacca viennent pas souvent aussi même si j'ai pu parler à Chewbacca.
Le meilleur reste le personnage de vi Moradi avec qui j'ai eu une grande discussion sur le premier ordre et la résistance et qui est vraiment sympa. C'est le seul personnage qui hésite pas à te parler etc...
La musique et les différents bruitages apportent beaucoup de star Wars au parc.
Par exemple t'a parfois un bruitage de chasseur TIE ou de x-wing qui te donne l'impression d'être dans la galaxie.
Contrairement à ce que je pensais les visiteurs ne gâchent pas vraiment l'expérience in Star Wars.

Les détails
C'est sûrement un autre point parfait du parc tellement il y'a de détails a observer. J'ai passé l'après-midi à essayer de tous les voir et le travail est vraiment parfait. Il y'a plus à observer qu'à dire là dessus mais vraiment les surprises sont au top !

Au final 23/25 c'est parfait, Galaxy edge est ma meilleure expérience en parc d'attraction. J'ai tellement aimé que le reste de Disneyland me paraissait totalement nul. :transpire:
L'autre attraction star tour était vraiment bien en dessous de celle du faucon. Elle te donnais juste la nausée tellement que tu était secoué alors que le faucon t'offre une vraie expérience star Wars. La grande différence c'est que les magasins t'offraient juste du Vador en tasse, du Vador en porte clé alors que Galaxy edge t'offre ce que les gens avaient dans la galaxie Star Wars.

Minuscule galerie photos

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L'entrée au parc

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Les casques vraiment bien faits

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Quelque détails dans le magasin des antiquités
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Le marché
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La photo avec le stormtrooper
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Les plats
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Dans le magasin des droides
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Le fameux droide gonk
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Photo avec vi Moradi
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Et avec Chewbacca !
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La zone du premier ordre
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Le vaisseau vu de nuit
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La table du faucon

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Le meilleur pour la fin :cute:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar jedi-mich » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:08   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

:love: :love:
Merci pour ce compte rendu :jap: :jap:
On sent qu'on est en plein dedans quoi :)
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Messagepar dark_tyrannus_csi » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:25   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

c'est top !
bon la question maintenant est: à quelle période de l'année faut-il y aller pour avoir le moins de monde possible? :transpire:
vive cody! vive le libérateur! vive celui qui a permi la mort de Boga et de son affreux cri!
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:39   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

jedi-mich a écrit::love: :love:
Merci pour ce compte rendu :jap: :jap:
On sent qu'on est en plein dedans quoi :)

Merci à toi d'avoir lu ! Je suis content d'avoir pu transmettre mon expérience là bas j'espère que tout le monde ira un jour :love:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Uttini » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:40   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Merci pour la visite et les photos. Ça donne envie mais ça reste loin... Même si je vais aux States en aout, je serai bien loin...
Un mensonge peut faire le tour de la terre le temps que la vérité mette ses chaussures — Mark Twain
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:42   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

dark_tyrannus_csi a écrit:c'est top !
bon la question maintenant est: à quelle période de l'année faut-il y aller pour avoir le moins de monde possible? :transpire:

Merci :love:
Alors avec un grand étonnement je suis allé a la période la plus fréquentée et le monde ne m'a pas dérangé.
Après je t'invite a aller sur le site Disney California et a faire semblant d'acheter des billets. Tu aura un calendrier avec l'influence et la variation des prix en fonction.
Hors vacances il y'a moins de monde mais avec vacances peu importe le jour l'influence est au maximum.
Sur Google maps tu as aussi l'influence en heure c'est yper précis :transpire:

-- Edit (Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 8:43) :

Uttini a écrit:Merci pour la visite et les photos. Ça donne envie mais ça reste loin... Même si je vais aux States en aout, je serai bien loin...

Merci a toi d'avoir lu !
Tu dois surement avoir de trains ou des moyens pour y aller
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar shane1609 » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 9:11   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Merci pour le compte rendu :jap: C'est vraiment intéressant et j'ai hâte d'y être J-186 :paf:

Concernant la question de Dark Tyrannus, il faut chercher en ligne car il y a plein de crowd calendars qui donnent des information précieuses concernant l'affluence des parcs. Pour Disneyland, je connais pas bien mais par exemple pour Disney World, les meilleurs périodes sont de mi janvier à mi février et en septembre (mais attention au ouragan ^^).
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Messagepar kylokenobi » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 9:18   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

Merci d'avoir lu fait bien attention aux files d'attentes c'est horrible :transpire:
I know you got your problem, but brother, they got theirs
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar shane1609 » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 - 9:26   Sujet: Re: Nouvelles attractions SW chez Disney

kylokenobi a écrit:Merci d'avoir lu fait bien attention aux files d'attentes c'est horrible :transpire:

T'inquiète, on a prévu le coup : 8 jours sur place, dans un hôtel Disney et avec une ligne de transport directe pour le parc Studios :lol: Et normalement c'est la saison creuse dans le parc donc on croise les doigts :D

Je pense qu'on va au moins y passer 3 fois histoire d'être sur de tout faire, de tout gouter, de construire un sabre, un droïde et faire 5000 photos :lol:
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