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Battle of Crait
1. Infos
2. Liste des cartes
1. Infos

Année : avril 2020
Nombre de cartes : 175
Symbole : Tourelle de défense sur Crait
Lien vers la page du site IDC : Battle of Crait

Cette 44e extension SW TCG et 34e extension IDC s'attarde sur la bataille de Crait à la fin des Derniers Jedi.
Elle est composée de 150 nouvelles cartes, plus 10 cartes 'subordinate' et 15 cartes promotionnelles.

On note comme nouveauté :
- 1 nouvelle carte 'Event'
- 3 nouvelles cartes 'Resource'
- des équipements, cartes 'mission', lieux, etc ...

2. Liste des cartes

Les visuels des cartes peuvent être vus dans cette section.

1. Battle of Crait
2. BB8’s Analysis (A)
3. But Not to Me
4. Captain Phasma (E)
5. Chewbacca’s Porg (B)
6. Commander Larma D’Acy (B)
7. Crait Base (B)
8. D’Qar Resistance Fleet (C)
9. Every Gun We Have
10. Everything We Need
11. Finn (I)
12. Finn’s Shuttle (A)
13. Finn’s Ski Speeder (A)
14. Fire on That Cruiser!
15. First Order Assault Force
16. Follow Him
17. Force Contest
18. General Leia Organa Solo (F2)
19. Guns are Hot
20. Hope Lives in the Galaxy
21. How Did He Get In Here
22. Hyperspace Ramming
23. It’s Nice That Way
24. Kaydel Ko Connix (B)
25. Kiss From Your Brother
26. Kylo Ren (K)
27. Kylo’s Shuttle (C)
28. Kylo’s Strike Team (D)
29. Let’s Finish This
30. Lost Padawan
31. Luke’s Intervention
32. Luke Skywalker (G2)
33. Millennium Falcon (A2)
34. No Need for Help
35. Phasma’s Division (D)
36. Poe Dameron (I)
37. Poe Dameron’s Piloting (B)
38. Poe’s Ski Speeder (A)
39. Raddus (E)
40. “Reb” Squadron (B)
41. Rebellion Reborn
42. Resistance Defense Force
43. Rey (K)
44. Rey’s Shooting (A)
45. Rose Tico (E)
46. Snoke’s Praetorian Guard (D)
47. Suicide Run
48. Superlaser Siege Cannon
49. Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (D)
50. Vulptex
51. Assault on Crait
52. Base Communication Computer
53. BB-8 (E)
54. BB-9E (B)
55. Big-Ass Door
56. Big Gun
57. C’ai Threnalli (B)
58. Captain Phasma (F)
59. Chewbacca (A2)
60. Chewbacca’s Porg (C)
61. Crack That Door
62. Crait Base (C)
63. Crait Base (D)
64. Crait Base Soldiers
65. Crait Base Troopers
66. Crait Salt Mine Tunnels
67. Crait Salt Plain
68. Elite Shuttle Pilot
69. Finn (J)
70. Finn’s Concern (B)
71. Finn’s Shuttle (B)
72. Finn’s Ski Speeder (B)
73. First Order AT-AT
74. First Order AT-M6
75. General Leia Organa Solo (G2)
76. I Felt It
77. I Felt It, Too
78. I Won’t Let Them Win
79. Kylo Ren (L)
80. Kylo Ren’s Distraction (A)
81. Kylo Ren’s Rage (C)
82. Kylo’s Shuttle (D)
83. Kylo’s Strike Team (E)
84. Life Form Scan
85. Luke’s Illusion (A)
86. Luke Skywalker’s Wisdom (B)
87. Millennium Falcon (B2)
88. Never Really Gone
89. Poe Dameron (J)
90. Poe Dameron’s EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle (B)
91. Poe Dameron’s Leadership (A)
92. Poe’s Ski Speeder (B)
93. Raddus (F)
94. “Reb” Squadron (C)
95. Resistance High Command (A)
96. Resistance Trenches
97. Rey (L)
98. See You Around
99. Shut the Door
100. Vulptex Pack
101. All That’s Left
102. Break Off
103. Buddy!
104. C-3PO (Q)
105. C’ai’s Ski Speeder (A)
106. Cannon Warming Up
107. Captain Geno Namit (A)
108. Crait Base (E)
109. Crait Base Detachment
110. Crait Battlefront
111. Crait Mixed Force
112. Crait Observer
113. Crait System
114. Crystal Critters
115. Finn (K)
116. Finn’s Ski Speeder (C)
117. First Order Arctic Detachment
118. First Order AT-HH
119. First Order AT-ST
120. First Order TIE Starfighter
121. General Armitage Hux (I)
122. General Caluan Ematt (B)
123. General Leia Organa Solo’s Despair (A)
124. I Saved You, Dummy
125. Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber (B)
126. Kylo’s Strike Team (F)
127. No Quarter
128. Nodin Chavdri (A)
129. Nodin’s Ski Speeder (A)
130. One Man Against an Army
131. Pammich Nerro Goode (A)
132. Pammich’s Ski Speeder (A)
133. Peace and Purpose
134. Poe Dameron (K)
135. Raddus Troopers
136. Raw, Untamed Power
137. Resistance Trench Defenders
138. Rose Tico (F)
139. Rose’s Ski Speeder (A)
140. Sergeant “Salty” Sharp (A)
141. She Drew ’em Off
142. Shuttle Command Center
143. Ski Speeder Pilot
144. Such a Friend
145. Supremacy (D)
146. Urchins (A)
147. Urchins’ Quarters
148. Vigil (B)
149. Walker Protection Force
150. What the Hell?

• Base Soldier Squad
• Crait Comms Soldier
• Crait Trench Soldiers
• Elite First Order Snowtrooper
• First Order TIE Fighter Swarm
• First Order TIE Group
• First Order Walker
• Resistance Base Troopers
• Resistance Lifeboats
• V-4X-D Ski Speeder

Cartes Promotionnelles:
- Battle of Crait
- Chewbacca
- Elite Shuttle Pilot
- General Leia Organa SOlo
- Kylo Ren
- Lost Padawan
- Luke's Illusion
- Luke's Intervention
- Luke Skywalker
- Millennium Falcon
- Poe Dameron
- Resistance Trenches
- Rey
- Shuttle Command Center
- Vulptex

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