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[Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

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Messagepar L2-D2 » Sam 08 Avr 2023 - 22:25   Sujet: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

Deuxième roman young adult (YA) de la Phase III, signé George Mann.

Sortie prévue à l'automne 2024 ! :)
Que Monsieur m'excuse, mais cette unité D2 est en parfait état. Une affaire en or. C-3PO à Luke Skywalker

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Messagepar xximus » Dim 09 Avr 2023 - 11:46   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

Celui-là au regard de son titre et de son auteur, je l'attends particulièrement. :love:
« Vous pouvez échouer dans ce que vous ne voulez pas faire. Alors vous pourriez aussi bien tenter votre chance en faisant ce que vous aimez. » Jim Carrey
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Messagepar L2-D2 » Ven 08 Déc 2023 - 17:16   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

Synopsis !

Un an s'est écoulé depuis la chute du Flambeau Stellaire, et héros et vilains doivent faire face aux conséquences de leurs choix.
Lorsque le Chevalier Jedi Reath Silas et le Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo sont envoyés en mission afin de tester leurs théories sur les Sans-Noms, ils vont se retrouver face à ces terrifiantes créatures autrefois considérées comme des mythe, et apprendront ce qu'est vraiment la peur... une peur que le Chevalier Jedi déchu Azlin Rell va leur conseiller d'embrasser s'ils veulent avoir les moindre espoir de vaincre ces monstres !

Sortie prévue le 03/09/2024 aux USA ! :)
Que Monsieur m'excuse, mais cette unité D2 est en parfait état. Une affaire en or. C-3PO à Luke Skywalker

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Messagepar Dark Servatos » Mer 10 Avr 2024 - 21:41   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

La couverture vient d'être dévoilée.

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Dark Servatos
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Messagepar xximus » Jeu 11 Avr 2024 - 18:48   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

Stylé. 8-)
« Vous pouvez échouer dans ce que vous ne voulez pas faire. Alors vous pourriez aussi bien tenter votre chance en faisant ce que vous aimez. » Jim Carrey
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Messagepar L2-D2 » Mer 18 Sep 2024 - 18:32   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

Un extrait du roman, dont la sortie est toujours prévue pour le 24/09/2024 !

Spoiler: Afficher
Cohmac Vitus was no longer a Jedi Knight.

He thought about that fact every single day.

It was a realization that still shook him to his core, a statement he had never imagined he would ever make. The very idea of it had been utterly inconceivable until just over a year ago, when the galaxy had seemingly turned on its head and his inevitable departure from the Order had begun.

Some days it felt almost normal, this lonely nomadic life he had adopted since he’d walked away in the aftermath of Starlight Beacon’s fall. Other days—most days, if he was honest with himself—it still felt raw and painful, like an open wound that refused to heal. A wound he couldn’t stop prodding and one he had inflicted on himself, even if it was for the best of reasons.

Leaving the Order had been the single hardest decision of his life. He’d abandoned everything he knew—his friends, his family. He’d left behind everything he had ever believed in.

And he’d done it because he no longer felt that capable of being a Jedi. He’d lost faith—not in the Jedi but in himself, in his beliefs.

In the past, he’d always been sustained by his faith in something greater, a galaxy filled with vibrant life and compassion, by the good that the Jedi could do out there among the stars. But that outlook had been challenged too many times, by the emergence of fairy-tale monsters made real, by the deep loss of so many friends, by the Nihil and the Great Disaster and the Republic Fair and Starlight Beacon.

It was all so much.

Too much.

He could hardly bear it.

What could he—Cohmac—do to make a difference in a galaxy so riven by chaos and uncertainty?

How could he be a figurehead, a teacher, a leader when he couldn’t even see the path ahead for himself?

The answer was—he could not.

And now even the Jedi were floundering. Perhaps worse, they were hiding, just when the galaxy needed them most.

The Nameless were an existential threat to the very nature of the Jedi, a terrible danger weaponized by those who would see the Order brought to its knees. But retreating to Coruscant, relying on the Chancellor and the Republic to shield them, bringing a fallen Jedi into their midst—all of it seemed like the first stages of accepting defeat.

And so Cohmac had left, walked away. After all this time, after knowing nothing else, he was no longer a Jedi—even if the thought of it pained him every single day.

The problem was, he might have been clear about what he wasn’t, but he was very unclear about what he was.

What happened to a Jedi once they’d left the Order? What did they become?

Who was he without the tenets that had shaped his entire life?

He had no answers to these questions. It was such a rare occurrence that he wondered if anyone did.

He felt unanchored. Adrift. Alone.

And worse than all that, Orla Jareni was gone. The one person who might have helped him understand the choices he had made. His oldest friend.

He’d felt her passing through the Force, felt the shockwave of it like a physical blow. And though he knew that she was now one with the Force, it still hurt.

He’d searched for her since—at length. Meditating, reaching out, even returning to some of the places they’d been together. Just to be sure, in case what he’d sensed had been wrong and she was still alive. But there was nothing—a void where she had once been, both in the Force and in his heart. Consequently, things just felt . . . unfinished. He felt incapable of moving on, as if there was still something that needed to be done, a line that needed to be drawn under Orla’s death.

Unable to settle on a new purpose, Cohmac had defaulted to what he knew. He had continued to investigate the origins of the Nameless, to try to understand them and so find a way to counter their terrifying abilities.

Perhaps he was doing it to bring closure to Orla’s story—to find a way to honor and respect her now that she was gone. Or perhaps he was trying to find a different way to approach the problem, to show the Jedi Council that there were other options.

The Nameless weren’t the real threat. At least, not on their own. He was certain of that. They were merely creatures that were somehow being used and manipulated by the Nihil, weaponized in a way that nature could never have intended.

Many of the Jedi seemed to think they were some kind of monster, emerging from the old myths and cautionary tales to terrorize them, just as their masters had warned them about when they were frightened younglings.

But Cohmac was convinced that wasn’t the full story.
Que Monsieur m'excuse, mais cette unité D2 est en parfait état. Une affaire en or. C-3PO à Luke Skywalker

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Messagepar xximus » Jeu 26 Sep 2024 - 21:47   Sujet: Re: [Haute Rép] (YA) Tears of the Nameless, par George Mann

J'aime beaucoup George Mann depuis son Myths & Fables, mais ce genre de monologue intérieur vu et revu qui tourne en rond pour gagner des lignes je n'en puis plus. :transpire:
« Vous pouvez échouer dans ce que vous ne voulez pas faire. Alors vous pourriez aussi bien tenter votre chance en faisant ce que vous aimez. » Jim Carrey
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