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Emanation of darkness

De 1977 jusqu'en Août 2014, de nombreux romans, comics et beaux-livres ont fait vivre l'Univers Star Wars. Venez discuter de ces œuvres, qui ont désormais acquis le statut de "Legends"...

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Messagepar Chaussette » Jeu 22 Mai 2003 - 10:44   Sujet: Emanation of darkness

Est ce que quequ'un connait l'auteur de cette nouvelle et le magazine dans lequel il est paru ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses :cool:
Jedi SWU
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Messages: 280
Enregistré le: 16 Fév 2003
Localisation: Aldérande 8e secteur

Messagepar Cesba » Jeu 22 Mai 2003 - 19:18   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

ca me dit rien bizarement...
- Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing ?
- Very specific, it is. However, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps...
Ancien staffeur
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Messagepar Guigui » Ven 23 Mai 2003 - 6:03   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

j'ai fait quelques recherches pour trouver ce que c'est et je n'ai trouver qu'un poème :D
La saga Star Wars est un tout. Unifions la saga !
Jedi SWU
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Messagepar Chaussette » Ven 23 Mai 2003 - 9:48   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

C'est peut être une fan fiction alors ? Mais bon je vais attendre encore un peu. :)

Cette nouvelle fait une vingtaine de pages. Voici la première page :

An aggravated grinding noise accompanied the hiss of a depressurizing seal as the ramp of the Prodigal detached itself from the freighter’s hull. A week’s worth of sand and micro-debris contaminated the external servomotors, causing the main access ramp to stop and restart in manic fits. The unpleasant grinding grew to a crescendo of scraping noises, not unlike the shaving of sharpened metal against metal. Deke Holman grit his teeth, imagining the damage being done to the inner workings of the ramp’s lift system. Blast scoring from the torpedo hit that caused the damage to the YT-1300 was evident along the inside paneling and along the edges of the ramp itself. The Socorran shook his head sadly, surveying the damage.

Beside him, Captain Fable Astin willed her racing heart to be quiet, purging the rush of fear and rage that threatened to overwhelm her senses. A thick mane of fiery auburn hair fell over the tapered shoulders of her flight jacket, framing her pale, troubled face. Haunted green eyes peered from beneath the shadows of auburn bangs, glaring into the blinding white light of the expansive docking bay before them. Tall and wiry, she started down the ramp, even before it completely lowered, and jumped down to the deck. Her boot heels echoed against the docking plate floor with uncommon authority. Barely containing her fury, she made a quick survey of the docking bay. Despite several years as a Rebel Intelligence officer, she had never been inside the bay of a functioning Imperial Star Destroyer.

«Easy, Capt’n,» Deke whispered in Socorran. «This is a nice visit, remember? If we make nasty with the locals here, we may never get those hostages back.» He stepped down to the deck beside her, holding his hands up to show his willingness to comply. Around them, armed with blast rifles, no less than a hundred stormtroopers aimed their weapons at them, fingers poised on the triggers. Nervously, Deke watched Fable’s hands. It was not the heavy blaster slung low at her thigh that worried him, but rather the cylindrical object dangling from her holster belt. His commando leader had a temper as fiery as her red tresses. And in the heat of the moment, she was known for igniting the pulsating white shaft of the lightsaber, and letting the archaic weapon do all the talking for her.

«Can you believe it?» Fable whispered, her breathing strained. «The Empire is crumbling to dust in all corners of the galaxy, and you’d never know it looking at this.» She eyed the well-maintained rack of TIE fighters, Interceptors, Avengers, even gunboats arrayed in the hangar above them.

Deke chuckled at her disdain. «They might look Imperial, Capt’n, but they’re not.»

Her astute pilot was correct. Fable felt a bit of her anger subside, distracted as she was by the peculiar blue tinge to the stormtroopers’ armor. Though they appeared to be the same glistening white-on-black suits, there were slight imperfections—imperfections that only a trained commando such as her Harrier Infiltration team would notice. Even the weapons were slightly modified, the sights filed down or customized. «Mercenaries.»
Jedi SWU
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Enregistré le: 16 Fév 2003
Localisation: Aldérande 8e secteur

Messagepar Cesba » Ven 23 Mai 2003 - 10:15   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

T'as chopé ca ou Chauss' histoire que je mene qq investigations ?
C'est pê en effet une fanFic mais c'est hypotétiquement une nouvelle de feu le SW Gamer, dont qq volumes comptait jusqu'a 3 aventures (quand ct le cas, les deux nouvelles auxiliaire à celle qui faisait acheter le mag étaient bien naze généralement)
- Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing ?
- Very specific, it is. However, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps...
Ancien staffeur
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Messages: 11113
Enregistré le: 06 Jan 2001
Localisation: Paname

Messagepar Dark Bono » Ven 23 Mai 2003 - 17:38   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

C'est clair chaussette, dis-nous ou tu as trouvé ca, parceque mes premières recherches ont données aussi choux blanc !
"Heureux l'étudiant qui, comme le ruisseau, peut suivre son cours sans quitter son lit."
J'ai touché le volant de Chewda !! :D
J'ai touché le volant de Zethoun !! :D
Dark Bono
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Messagepar Chaussette » Sam 24 Mai 2003 - 9:47   Sujet: Re: Emanation of darkness

J'ai récupéré ca auprès d'une connaissance mais sans plus d'indications que ce je vous ai donné.

Dans mes infos perso moi non plus je n'ai rien trouvé alors j'ésperais que vous pourriez m'aider.

Je vous met la page 2 : Y'a quelques nom supplémentaires (Bane Werth, lord Jaalib)

the visor of his officer’s cap. A dark, heavy robe billowed from his shoulders as he walked, carrying an air of unquestioned authority, which even Fable had to respect. «Leave them,» he said in a voice that was no more than an audible whisper. At his quiet command, the sea of armored bodies parted before him without vacillation, leaving a circle of clearance around Fable and her pilot. «You are Captain Fable Astin?»

Fable hesitated to reply, sensing the undeniable strength of the Force about him. Her rage momentarily brushed against an impenetrable wall of darkness and shadow that sent tremors along her backbone and shoulders, causing an icy sensation of pain to ricochet through every bone. «I am,» she managed to say, recovering from the experience. Exchanging a concerned glance with Deke, she saw the Socorran nodding his understanding of their imminent danger.

«You will follow me.» Surprisingly, the statement was a request, and yet Fable sensed a strength in his words, leaving her to wonder at his identity.

«I am Lieutenant Bane Werth,» he answered her unspoken question. Turning his shoulder to her coolly, he gazed across the bay at his soldiers. «I am second in command to Lord Jaalib Brandl, the commander of this ship, the Protectorate I, and the fighters who are currently blasting your Rebel friends from space. If you wish to alleviate any more bloodshed, I suggest you come with me.»

Nostrils flared, hands knotted in fists, Fable stepped toward him. «C’mon, Deke, let’s get this over with.»

A line of stormtroopers stepped between her and the Socorran pilot, weapons poised at Deke’s face and throat. «The Master requested that you be alone,» Bane whispered in that quiet voice. «Your companion will not be harmed.» He turned back to meet Fable with a disarming smile. «So long as he behaves himself. This way.» Bane extended his arm, as if in welcome, indicating a certain path along a corridor of armed mercenaries.

«Go on, Capt’n,» Deke whispered. «It’s not time to make it personal. Get those hostages back.» He winked at her and smiled. «Don’t you worry. I’ll be here when you get back.» The Socorran watched as his captain and friend followed the mercenary officer, adding, «I hope.»

Werth was silent during their short walk into the inner bay area. They were well into the Imperial Destroyer’s operations arena before Fable noticed that the escort of stormtroopers had not followed them out of the bay. «Are you a Jedi?» she asked, already knowing the answer.

Werth stopped and turned to face her, something of a coy smile parting his lips. «Why do you ask?»

Fable felt the opportunity for an insult and delivered it. «Because Jaalib would not be so stupid as to leave me alone with just any ordinary underling.»

«Well said,» Werth laughed, bowing his head to her. «Jaalib mentioned that you had a sharp tongue and an even sharper wit. I know a great deal about you, Captain Astin. A great deal. Enough to thoroughly respect your talents as both a soldier…and a Jedi. But do not be deceived by appearances. You’re safety here is at the request of the master; and no one…no one questions the orders or the motives of Lord Brandl.» He keyed in a code on a nearby access panel and stepped to the side as the blast door slid open. «Please, he awaits you inside.» Bane inclined his head, only temporarily lowering his eyes in homage, as she brushed past him into the room.
Jedi SWU
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Messages: 280
Enregistré le: 16 Fév 2003
Localisation: Aldérande 8e secteur

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